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Taehyung, Y/N and Taehyon arrived at Jimin's place.

" Taehyung wasn't it supposed to be a get to gather? but I can't see many people here?"

" It was just for closed ones"

Y/N meets Jimin, Petal and Rose, but now as she knows the story behind their marriage, she adores them three even more now.

Her eyes lightens up on meeting Taehyung's mom. She goes and hugs her immediately. She bows at Mr Kim who caresses her head like a father.

Y/N quickly noticed everyone behaving strangely as if they are hiding something just then Taehyung comes from back and  covers her eyes with his hand. Y/N smiles holding his wrists

" What happened Taehyung?"

" I have a surprise for you!"

He slowly removes his hands from her eyes and she gasped loudly  on seeing the  person standing in front of her. She froze at her place as she placed her hands on mouth.

" D-Dad!" she shouts as her eyes glistened after seeing a familiar face after so long.

She immediately hugs her father sobbing in his arms. Her father slowly carresed her hair swinging her side to side, chuckling a little to hide tears forming in his eyes too.

He parts and wipes her tears with his thumbs.

" How is my princess doing?"

" Dad!" she sobs again after hearing her father's voice after so long.

Taehyung's eyes glistened a bit too on seeing her overflowing with emotions.

Her father told her that he has already settled that case of landlord who is now assuming that y/n might have committed suicide or died after  going missing.

He tells her that  Taehyung sent him a letter to come soon and meet her because she was missing him a bit more these days.

" Taehyung ensured my safety throughout this time incase that  landlord tried to cause any harm to me. I am lucky  and blessed to have him as my son in law. "

Her father calls Taehyung who stands beside y/n as he pats his shoulders.

" Thank you for taking care of my y/n and ensuring my security throughout! I am blessed  to have you as my son in law! "

" It's okay dad being my father in law It was my responsibility to ensure your safety. I won't let them to even  lay a finger on you or they will face consequences . I know how to protect what's mine "

Y/N looks at Taehyung through her glistening eyes so lovingly. Today those unknown feelings were shinning  in her eyes so evidently for the first time as her heart skipped a beat. Taehyung holds her hand and she tightens her grip subconsciously as if she doesn't want to let him go anywhere now.

As Taehyung was talking to her father, he smiled at her in between which fluttered her heart and she gulped at these new feelings. She even felt her heart beats increasing again on being close to him.

Soon Taehyon walked towards them as he holds other hand of y/n.

" Dad meet my  son Taehyon."

Her father bends  down to the level of Taehyon.

"  Mr Kim was talking a lot about him. How are you little boy? I am your grandpa."

Soon everybody got engrossed. Mr Kim and and y/n's father were busy with Taehyon whereas Mrs Kim was busy with Rose and Petal while Taehyung and Jimin were busy in their own world.

Y/N smiled on seeing her new family. She didn't even realise how  these two months have passed with Taehyung. She really enjoyed his company. She loved how he cherished her in these two months.

While she was busy in smiling and  recalling these two months  with him a thought striked  her mind and her smile fades immediately.

' J-Jungkook ! Dad is now with me all safe and sound even that landlord chapter is closed now. So...' she gasps as her heart clenched on the next thought.

' Jungkook must be waiting for me. It's time to l-leave Taehyung now and go back to my love.'

She should be happy that now she will get to meet her love after so many years! She should be happy infact on cloud nine but here her heart is paining at the thought of separation from Taehyung and his family.

She looks at Taehyung who was already looking at her direction. He smiles at her but frowns on seeing her dropped face but she smiles quickly to assure him that she is okay otherwise he will get concerned.

Her heart clenched on thought of leaving him but she kept on reminding herself that Jungkook is waiting for her.

' now that everything is settled I want to go back to Jungkook...he must be waiting for me. It's time to break this marriage and free Taehyung from my responsibilities.'

Finally a smile forms on her lips on remembering her good old times with Jungkook and now finally they will be together but again her heart clenched as she took another glance of Taehyung on thought of separation from him.

' Of course I will miss Taehyung. I have spent so much time with him so this feeling is pretty obvious, why am I even  thinking so much.. Let me just get over with this marriage soon  so that I can go back to my Jungkook!'

And her brain shuts her heart by giving her logical reasons of those feelings  towards Taehyung and  rests this case of internal dispute in her  head ! 


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