4. [RUST received the BOULDERBADGE from BROCK!]

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Upon arriving in Pewter, Rust drops by the Pokemon Center first, before doubling back to the forest. Squirtle rides on his shoulders as Rust fumbles around, looking for Pokemon and getting close enough to get proper Pokedex readings of them.

He's allowed to add new data in as well, as extra notes he could send for confirmation to the Professor at the Pokemon Center. So he sits down in the middle of the forest, surrounded by curious Caterpie and Weedle, and just works. Squirtle tries to chase half of them away at first, but soon gives up, seeing as too many came by.

Eventually, Rust's half-covered in Bug Pokemon, a Butterfree is using his head as a perch, and a Beedrill is casually drawing patterns around him like a satanic summoning sequence.

(A Camper comes across Rust later in the morning and screams very loudly.)


Rust yawns, returning to the Pokemon Center once it's time for breakfast. He'll have to transfer all the Pokemon to Professor first... Bell's already gone? He has no idea how Bell is this energetic in the morning.

He stares at his hand. His thumb is a little numb, for some reason.

Well, whatever, it'll be fine soon.


"...Sweetheart, it's not okay," the Nurse Joy says in the most patient voice she can muster, but it's clear from her horrified face that she's exasperated.

She's inspecting Rust's hands, and apparently, it's bad enough she's actually heading back into the nurse's room to get things.

"Mind taking those off for me?"

She's holding what looks like a roll of gray cloth tape, and she firmly wraps them around his wrist, up to his palms, and halfway up his fingers. She works on the other hand as Rust squeezes his fists a little, noting it felt firm, and the mild resistance it brought sort of gave him resistance to indicate how far he could squeeze.

"Kinesiology tape," Nurse Joy explains. "Just ask any Nurse Joy for some wherever you go, we have plenty since hand injuries are common for Trainers. But it's better for you to wear them daily. You'll definitely need it if you don't want to worsen your motor functions."

Rust nods, pulling his gloves over them. It seemed redundant, but the extra protection felt assuring. It seemed the dislocation wasn't completely alright after all. A normal person would most probably still be feeling it. "Thank you."

Nurse Joy smiles. "Take care now. Your condition is a difficult one for a journey."

Rust knows that very well.

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