The Run-in

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"I can walk just fine!" Suho whines as he's wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair, Sieun behind him pushing it as they make their way to the car. Sieun's father was sat behind the wheel, but at the sight of them, he hops out of the car and speed walks over to them. "I'll help with getting him in." His father says as Sieun stops in front of him. Sieun presses his lips together, slightly irritated, but also grateful for the help. His relationship with his parents, especially his father, was still strained. But, after finding out that Sieun was protecting someone when he went and beat up the bullies at school, he was proud of his son, and told him so. After talking and working through some of their problems, they became closer than before, but there was still some left over resentment in Sieun. After years of being ignored and pushed to the side, it was hard for him to just lock up those memories and store them into the corner of his mind.  

Sieun just nodded, "Can you open the doors and set up the space for him in the car, please?" His father nods quickly, turning around to do just do that. With his father gone, he looks down at Suho, wondering why he's suddenly gone quiet, only to find Suho staring straight at him, his eyebrows raised. "That was awkward. Painfully awkward." Suho says as he winced in sympathy, his hand reaching up towards Sieun. Sieun, with a small smile on his face, takes his hand, both of their hands now resting on Sieun's stomach. Without thinking much of it, Sieun leans down and pecks him on the lips, once, twice, before leaning back, only slightly, still being able to feel Suho's breath on his face. He uses his other hand to caress Suho on his cheek, "I love you." Suho's eyes widen slightly, his mouth curving into a smile, he leans toward Sieun and instead, kisses his chin. Staying there, he lets a smile take over his lips, "I love you more." He feels Sieun taking his face into his hands, the hand holding his letting go, and moving his face so that their eyes connect. Sieun brushed his nose against Suho's, still looking into his eyes. "Impossible" Suho scoffs, shaking his head, "Possible." Sieun smiles widely, and goes to say something, but a throat clearing snaps them out of their bubble. 

They both look and see Sieun's father standing there. They also see someone else, standing next to his father, fidgeting and bouncing from one foot to the other. Her hair, the usual pink, was now a teal blue with the hair tied into a pony tail, with the bangs cut shorter than usual, but still long enough to be near her eyebrows. She wore a plain black shirt with a skirt, paired with sneakers and a bag that was hanging by her waist, a bag that she was clutching, as if she were clutching her pearls. " Boys, this young lady says she's a friend of yours?" Sieun straightens up, his hands falling from Suho's face, his usual blank expression taking over his face. Suho, seeing his boyfriend put on his 'mask', turns towards Sieun's father and puts on a smile, " Well, I wouldn't call Young Yi a 'friend', more like a  'frenemy', you know?" He says as he does his best to put himself between Sieun and Young Yi in his wheelchair. " Frenemy?! When have I been your enemy?!?" She said in disbelief as she steps closer to them. Sieun scoffs, shaking his head as he leans up against Suho's wheelchair, hands curled on the handlebars, " When?! When?! You became the enemy the minute you started going back and forth between us and those assholes who kicked my ass more than once." 

Young Yi scoffs, " And when they did kick your ass, you kicked theirs ten times harder." Sieun scoffs back, a smile of disbelief on his face as he looked at her. Normally, he would have walked away, not having the time or patience to deal with this, but she came to them. She came here knowing that there would be conflict, that there would be anger, towards her, towards her 'friends' and het she came anyway. Today, he was going to stand his ground, but instead of using his fists to fight back, he was going to use his words. " And why in the actual fuck should that matter! It shouldn't matter if I fought back against them! I shouldn't have had to do that in the first place! I did absolutely nothing! Nothing! To them! And when I finally stand up for myself, I get jumped!" His breathing heavily now, his body now standing within touching distance in front of her. He didn't notice himself moving towards her, but movement from the corner of his eye stops his movements. His father was stood to the side, watching closely, ready to step in if he deemed it necessary. But Sieun doesn't care about his father right now, he doesn't care that at this moment, his father is seeing a total different side of him that he's never seen before. Right now, he wants her to hurt like he was. Like he still is. Sieun shakes his head, " I noticed, that every time your friends came around me, to "teach me a lesson", you were just in the background, you were just around the corner, you were just there, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to text or call Suho to the rescue. You had someone else do what you should have already done." She's stood still, the guilt clear as day painted on her face. She would open her mouth, as if to say something, but each time Sieun would open his and and she would be left speechless, his words slicing hers in half and leaving them in the dust. He backs up a little, tilting his head as he lands another verbal punch towards her, " You're a coward, Young Yi. And I can't speak for Suho, so I'll say this for myself. Never let your existence darken mine again. From this point on, you're nonexistent to me. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Please, pass my message onto your friends as well." And with that, Sieun spins around and makes his way over to Suho, whose face was blank, his eyes glaring at Young Yi. He's quiet as Sieun wheels him over to the van, rolling him up the van's ramp into the trunk, where the seats of the van were now flattened to make room for him and his wheelchair. 

Before Sieun shuts the door, Suho holds up a finger, stopping Sieun. Sieun began to buckle up Suho and his wheelchair as Suho looks at Young Yi, whose still stood there, tears now pouring down her face as she stares at them. " I never knew, that while he was fighting for life, you were just there doing nothing. I thought you would at least try and get them to back off, but instead you just stood back and did nothing but text or call me for help. What would you have done if I wasn't there to help him? If I weren't there, preventing them from hurting him to the point of no return? Like Sieun said, please pass the message to your friends. Lose our numbers." He says, the disappointment and anger clear in his voice. He doesn't wait for a response, he nods to Sieun, and the door closes, the bang of the trunk door loud in the almost empty hospital parking lot. Sieun's father shakes his head at her, and then with a nudge at Sieuns elbow, makes his way towards the driver side. Sieun drops into the passenger seat and buckles up, his hand reaching back towards Suho, grabbing at his hand and holding it there on the arm rest as his father starts the car. He pulls out of the parking lot with a word, and without looking at her through the mirror, they drive off. They drive in mostly silence, the noise being Sieuns music, being played into his headphones that were in his and Suho's ears. His father break the silence after a few moments, " What did you mean by you got jumped?" he says, his voice a false calm. Sieun doesn't look at him, his hand still playing with Suho's, " Exactly how it sounds. They jumped me when I fought back." Sieun's father scoffs, " So, when you came home with a broken arm, they did that?" He says, his voice now angry. Sieun then looks up at his father, sees Suho asleep, his head rolled back, and decides that now wasn't time for the interrogation. " Yes. Now, If you're done with the questions, I'm going to follow Suho's example and get some shut eye. Let me know when we're at home." Sieun closes his eyes, adjusting himself in his seat as he hears his father sigh. He lets himself drift off, his hand still in Suho's as the car quiets once again.

*Author's Note*

lol I never know how to end chapters. Ending was slightly awkward, but hopefully the chapter was worth waiting for! 

Love you guys! 

* kisses*



I will be nicer to Young Yi in future chapters.... just not today 

Weak Hero Class 1-Sieun and Suho's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now