The Reason

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" Do you think we were too harsh on her ?" Suho asked as they sat at the kitchen table. Spread out in front of them were two bowls of ramen, a plate of lettuce wraps, meat, and vegetables. Sieun, who was making Suho's wrap for him, looked up with a raised eyebrow. Suho sighed, leaning back against the pillow in his chair, " I mean, look at it this way, yes, she was 'friends' with those punks and yes, she was there every time you were about to and did get jumped by them, but she also called me every time. And she did help you get your revenge on those who beat me up. So, again, do you think that we were too harsh on her?" Suho asked again as he watched Sieun pause , his hands freezing and slowing lowering until they were resting on the table.

A minute or two passed between the two boys before Sieun cleared his throat, passing the finished wrap to Suho before copying the other and leaning back against his chair, " Yes, I do think that we, well" he stopped at Suho's playful scoff, rolling his eyes at him before continuing this sentence, " I was too harsh on Young Yi. It's just..." he sighed, tilting his head to the side, biting his lip. He sighed again, this time shaking his head, finally gathering his thoughts together, making sense of why he felt like this, why he felt like that. " At first, I didn't like her. She was very pushy, happy, bright, she talked a lot. But after seeing her in the hospital room with you when I got there, made me view her differently. She wasn't a friend, no, there was a long way to go before she could be defined as such. But when she kept coming around us, I got use to her and her personality. I got use to calling her someone that you could always count on being behind you when you least expected it." He paused, looking up at Suho, who had a look of wonder and surprise on his face. Suho, catching his look, shook his head, as if to shake away the daze that was clouding his sight, and motioned for him to continue. Sieun, rolling his eyes again, wondering if his eyes were ever going to get stuck like that if he stayed around his fool of a boyfriend, pursed his lips. " I know, from the nurses, that she went to your room when you were in a coma, I know that she was there for a little while, but she didn't stay." Suho exhales hard, his face and body language finally showing that he now understood why Sieun acted the way he did. Why he said what he said.

" I thought that by having her by your side while I went and finished what those assholes started, she would be there for you when I got there. But she left and didn't return until after you were discharged. Suho," Sieun's voice had a sad note, a sad tone to it, which promote Suho into grabbing onto his hands, squeezing them firmly as he silently gave his support and love to Sieun. Sieun smiled small, his eyes glossy as he fought to keep the tears at bay, " I was mad, still am, at her, because when she left unannounced, it reminded me of my mother." Suho's expression changed into a much sadder one as he brought up his hands, kissing Sieun's, because he understood. Yes, his parents had left unexpectedly, but they'd passed away. Sieun's mother had left her husband and son without a word, not even with a letter of goodbye. And his father was barely there for him, only making an appearance when it was beneficial for him. " My mother left us, but came back into our live five years later, without realizing, or maybe she did realize, to two new, different, people who'd changed due to what she did. Young Yi came back, not realizing what she'd done by leaving and then came back into our lives suddenly. Like my mom, she came back expecting a warm welcome. And I was hurt because of that. I let that hurt come out and I allowed myself to verbally attack her because I wasn't allowed to express my feelings to my mother. "

By now, Sieun was crying, tears silently falling down his face, as he stared off, his mind somewhere else. This conversation was bringing back memories, memories and emotions that he'd locked away, in a tight, metal box, buried under layers and layers of emptiness. The emptiness that was shown on the outside, that was shown to those around him. The emptiness that came from years of not being able to rely on anyone other than himself, when his mother was gone and his father drowned himself in work instead of comforting his son. Suho, despite the pain in his body, quickly but carefully went around the table and using his back pillow on the floor, kneeled in front of his boyfriend. He brought his hands up, sandwiching Sieun's face in between his hands. " Hey, hey, Sieun, sweetheart," he said, his voice soft and pleading as he tried gaining his attention. After a few more attempts, Sieun, breaking out of his trance, looked at him, his eyes meeting Suho's without any difficultly,  because even kneeling on the floor, Suho was still tall enough to look him in his eyes. " Hey, sweet cheeks, you're ok. You're going to be fine. Do you know why that is?" Suho asked him as Sieun still had that far away look in his eyes. With no answer, Suho continues, feeling his heart break. He's never seen Sieun like this, so broken, so far away from him, despite being inches away from each other. " Because I'm right here, with you. You don't ever have to worry about us, not being us, ok? Me and you are soooo intertwined, that you can't tell one from the other." Suho can see Sieun coming back, and when he does come back all of the way, Suho delivers another testimony of his loyalty, of his love. " Yeon Sieun, my sweet, I love you. I love you, to the moon and back. I love you to infinity and beyond. I will always love you, always and forever, you have me. I'm not going anywhere." Both Suho and Sieun were crying, but this time, they were happy tears. Sieun sniffled, laughing a little as he grabbed Suho's face and pecked his lips a few times, ending his kisses on Suho's nose. " You're so cheesy." Suho yelled a protest, but was silenced as Sieun kissed his lips again, pulling back and resting his forehead against his, his lips a breath away from Suho's. " Love you more." Sieun whispered, feeling Suho's eyelashes flutter against his as Suho moved his arms, wrapping them around Sieun. " From now on, it's us against the world, Suho. Forever and always, us." Sieun hesitated, but then sighed hard, " I will apologize to her, it'll just take some time." Suho hummed, but stayed quiet, enjoying their moment, a rare moment, of peace.

After some time, the silence is broken by a whine. " Can we move to the couch, at least? My legs are asleep and I haven't eaten yet." Suho complained after a few minutes. Sieun, laughing a little, agreed, and after moving Suho to the couch and reheating their now cold food, he moved the food to the living room, but not before grabbing Suho's pain medicine. He helped adjust Suho before siting down, scooting over and cuddling against him. They watched a kdrama, occasionally laughing and cringing as they ate their food. Full and satisfied, they sat and watched tv. After an hour or so, Suho felt the exhaustion creeping up on him, and with reassurance from Sieun that he could clean up by himself, Suho let his eyes close, but not before feeling Sieun's lips on his forehead. He felt his lips turn up into a small smile before the sleep took over. He felt his heart warm at the words that were whispered to him before he was pulled into a deep sleep. " Your parents would be abosultly amazed and proud at who you've become. I know I am, my muscle man. I love you, sweet dreams." 

Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait! I've finally registered for classes and I've been getting ready to leave town for a family get together! Hopefully, we'll be able to have a great time, especially now that the Canadian wild fire smoke has made its way down here and there. But, I'll try and put out chapters here and there. Let me know how y'all feel about this chapter in the comments!

On another note, the kdrama, Bloodhounds, was AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!!! I love it soooooooooo sooooooooo much and Gunwoo and Hong Woojin's bromance(romance, who am I kidding! LAMO) is THERE!!! Like you can never find k-actors, the males especially, these days with that kind of chemistry!! I do want to write a fanfic about that but I'm not sure yet, so let me know if that's something that you guys would want!




Weak Hero Class 1-Sieun and Suho's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now