My New champions

884 19 10

Many thanks to the users for giving me the idea:sesskagfan

Request:Can I request when Lbd takes over the girls instead of Bai and monkey King
And Macaque and sun have to try to save there cubs from her. Cuz lbd made them her champions.


Sun wukong

The great sage equal to heaven never in his thousands of years of immortal life did not think he had ever felt this strong anxiety when he faced the buddha, or in any of his adventures on the pilgrimage, but right now Wukong was in despair, It has been a long time since he first saw you when he took this "holiday" where he left you alone with MK and the others, it has been a long time since MK told him in tears that you had disappeared without a trace some time after he left the island, there was no trace of Sunny or most of the adult monkeys either.

Wukong could not believe at first what his successor told him, "You disappeared?" No, it couldn't be true, you probably just sneaked off to play at one of your friends' houses like most youngsters your age do, it wouldn't be the first time you had done that, but how could that explain the disappearance of his subjects?

The more he went on his search for a weapon to stop LBD the more his anxiety and urgency to go home and see that you were well and safe playing with the monkeys as you always do, when he still received no sign of where you might be according to MK, he and the others had already asked Wang and Lotus, even your school teacher who hadn't seen you in class for weeks, it was as if you had disappeared.

It was as if you had disappeared into thin air.

But you didn't ...or at least not at your will and you knew that when you saw that giant robot once you saved mk who was screaming your name desperately while trying to get closer to whoever was in that robot on top who you couldn't see until you moved further out of the blinding light.

–So you finally deign to show up .... dad?–A sweet voice came from that person.

A voice that made wukong's body tense and his fur stand on end ,there you were with a calm smile ,dressed in white and blue your hair (H/C) decorated with bone ornaments , blue markings on your face replacing the place of your (F/C) markings that manifested when you change into your mono form .

But it wasn't you, no, that wasn't you at all and he knew it immediately when your once warm (E/C) eyes looked at him and flickered a poisonous, cold blue giving him a vivid memory of that deformed skull from a nightmare that haunted him all the time since the New Year's festival.

-You...FREE MY DAUGHTER!– shouted the monkey man baring his fangs as he was held back by pigsy and Sandy as they saw him about to launch himself at your little form which ceased to be yours a long time ago.

A smirk grew on those lips, then changed to a hurt expression.

-But I am your daughter, dad, don't you recognise me?– your voice sounded singsong and innocent again.

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