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Ruby pops his head out the front door of his house only a few moments after the door bell rang
" we're here to feng shui your room , that's why we're here ", monse lies with a grin
" I don't have my own room ", ruby tells them , confusing Jamal and monse while ceaser only raised a brow
" but ........ ", ruby grins as he comes out side , shutting the front door after him , glancing behind him every few seconds and shooing his friends forward until they had privacy for him to speak , and he exhaled
" I have a boner . My cousin just moved in -", he starts , phrasing his words awfully and getting many looks from the three , ceasers main one being disgusted and stepping back as he looked up , unable to look into rubys eyes while the short teen was hard
"- not like my cousin cousin. Like , 'what's up , cuz' , you know , like fam , but not fam ", ruby tries to clarify horribly
" like if you can't keep it in your pants , keep it in the family ", ceaser asks , still looking up at the sky as he spoke , and swallows thickly as he tries to get through what was even going on at this moment , not that he was judging , he was quite literally late to school for wanting to give his boyfriend a blow job , he couldn't say much , just confused as fuck
" exactly. No . No , not exactly . There's no blood relation . There is no inbreeding ", he explains
" oh , and call me Ruben , I'm going by Ruben now -
" ruby ", his mother calls out
" ruby , ruby ", she yells as she came outside as well
" Ruben ", ruby tries to correct, and ceaser chuckles , no longer looking up at the sky and only avoiding ruby himself
" are you forgetting something ", she crossed her arms over her chest , and Olivia , the cousin, came out the door behind her , then being pulled infront of rubys mother so she could be introduced
" guys , this is Olivia . She's staying with us for a while , okay ", she tells the group before leaving Olivia outside with the four of them
" is it me or did things just get weird ", Olivia smiles nervously
" it's you . I'm monse , this is Jamal and cesar ", monse says
" hey ", she smiles , looking at all of them , checking ceaser out subtly once she saw him
" ignore the stares . They haven't been neutered ", monse adds , noticing the boys silence , ceaser only being overly silent due to checking a text he had gotten from Carlos
"Jamal , why don't you tell olivia what you didn't do to your beck . Um , ruby , can we discuss our Chen assignment ", monse says before grabbing rubys arm and taking him off to the side , leaving the other three on the pouch outside the house
- you know I'm not blessing this , but monse won't relent . And she absolutely cannot be the one to do it . Carlos already don't like her , I think Oscar will go easiest on you , especially given his respect for mario ", ceaser says to ruby through the phone , tracing Carlos's tattoos as he spoke , sat up with his back against his wall and the phone to his ear , Carlos half asleep on his stomach beside him , a arm lazily over him while ceaser ran his fingers over the details of the tattoos on Carlos's back
" but when you say he'll go easy , what do you mean ", ruby asked nervously
" I mean , he probably won't hurt you ", ceaser shrugs , stilling and looking down to Carlos when the arm around him was tightened
" is there a good , like , happy time for him . I mean , some people aren't morning people ", ruby trails off anxiously
" do it before school "
" I'm a couple of days , a week -
" tomorrow ", ceaser scowls
" he's expecting you . Don't be late -
" joder vete a dormir ,amor " Carlos grumbles annoyed and tired , making ceaser sigh
" one sec , papi ", ceaser mutters , patting Carlos's bare back softly
"Good night ", ceaser says to ruby before hanging up , not really caring he that he knew that Carlos had been with him throu the whole phone conversation, or that Carlos was even there anyway , or that he called him papi
" beso ", ceaser asks after he laid down , putting himself half underneath Carlos , who now had his arms wrapped around him possessively , something caeser never knew he'd love so much , and Carlos groans , eyes fluttering open and looking down to ceaser before sighing
" only cause you cute ", he mutters , only having to lean in slightly to connect their lips in a kiss , making ceaser smile against his lips slightly , wrapping his arms around Carlos's neck and holding him close
- no mas besos amor", Carlos chuckles out amused , making ceaser scoff with a annoyed look , stepping out of the house with Carlos in toe
" that's bullshit , they're mine , you said so yourself ", he huffs , closing his eyes and sucking in a breathe when he saw monse coming up his front lawn , a scowl quickly coming onto Carlos's face
" gimme a minute ", ceaser tells her , turning and pushing Carlos back a bit , looking over Carlos's face in slight guilt and cups his cheeks softly , tilting his head to look at him instead of glaring at the girl who was behind them
"soy tuyo, papi", ceaser smiles , making Carlos hum , looking over ceaser face then his lips twitching up slightly when he saw the hickeys on the teens neck
" I know ...... I know , tu eres mio ", Carlos sighs , leaning down to kiss ceaser , who kisses back happily
" I thought you said no more kisses ", ceaser mocked under his breathe in amusement
" watch it , amar ", carlos frowned , pecking ceasers ljps once more before messing up his curly locks and leaving , sending a glare to monse as he passed her on his way to his car
" I did it , I did if ", ruby smiled as he came over to monse , ceaser and Jamal
" I mean , it's done . I rocked that talk hard . And for a guy named spooky , he's surprisingly jovial ", ruby smiled nodding
" wait , are you serious, ruby ", Jamal asked with happy wide eyes
" Ruben , and yesssss . Ceasers out the gang . Boom , killed it ", ruby raved , only getting a nod from ceaser
" you did kill it . You killed it so hard that I got promoted ", ceaser told him sympathetically , making everyone's faces fall
" no . Spooky and I had an understanding ", ruby whimpered
" I just got a text , and I'm gonna start running for the santos ", ceaser shrugs
" no , no , no , no . That can't be true . He must be joking ", ruby cries out sadly , fuelled with guilt as he looked at ceaser
" compa, I love you for trying , but like I said , this deal is done . And I do blame you , I blame monse ", ceaser tells him with a assuring smile
" me ", monse exclaimed offended
" yeah , you're the instigator and the fricken honey badger . You don't quit . But now you have to . No more , we're done ", ceaser says seriously, not letting her speak
" and so is Ruben , im not man enough to bear that name ", ruby says with his head down shamefully before walking away in a strop, Jamal smiling at ceaser sadly before following after the Mexican teen , and cease glances to monse before looking away
" look , I gotta go , Carlos is pretty pissed off about my promotion , I gotta go and calm him down ", ceaser mumbles under his breathe
" you need to sto-
" what's wrong with ruby " Olivia asks as she comes over with a concerned frown
" he's fine . He's just still bummed he had to give up his room ", monse tells her boredly , lying through her teeth , getting an unimpressed look from ceaser , and she only stares back defiantly
" am I interrupting something ", Olivia asks awkwardly
" nope , nothing . Sorry , not trying to be weird ", monse smiles forcefully
" but she can't help if ", ceaser adds with a smile to Olivia
" ah ", Olivia chuckles , blushing lightly from the smoke ceaser gave her
" so , after school , you wanna hang
" wanna hang ", ceaser asked the same time monse finished her sentence , doing for the soul reason to piss monse off , knowing full well he was most likely going to be busy calming down Carlos for the rest of his free time this week
" oh , I have plans with monse ", Olivia tells ceaser apologeticly
" oh , I'm happy to join ", he says lightly , making Olivia smile
" it's kind of a girl thing ", monse tells him , moving away from him to go to Olivia's side and wrap an arm over her shoulder
" ooooohhhh , can I watch ", ceaser grins cheekily , making Olivia giggle whole monse only narrows her eyes
" don't you have a boyfriend , ceaser ", monse huffs , getting a mocking grin from him and he decides to ignore the jealousy in her words
" yes , I do , b-
" anyway , I have class ", monse waves off
" great , bye ", ceaser says with a shooing motion , then looking down at his phone when it buzzes
" oh shit , I really gotta go , I'll get your number next time I see ya , bye Olivia ", he smiles charmingly as he turned and left starting to jog away

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