The Arrival

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It was night time and i was walking down a tar road towards a sign that said 'welcome to mystic falls'.

I sighned, "home sweet home" i smirked and continued to make my way down the dark tar road towards the small town.

Damon's POV-

Me and elena had just got back from the hospital we were at her house i was following behind her when we walked into the house we found stefan getting up from floor.

"stefan" Elena said in a worried tone

"elena" stefan replied back

"w-what happened.?" elena stuttered.

stefan looked towards me

"katherine happened" i said looking around the room then at stefan.

Elena looked at stefan with a confused looked before going upstairs.

i walked over into the kitchen.

"did she say what she wanted" i said breaking the silence

"no." stefan replied quickly while pacing back and fourth

"women knows how to make an entrance." I said looking around before looking at stefan

"she said she fooled one of us, at least. what does, what does that mean.?" stefan looked at me confused.

"she pretended to be elena too when i showed up earlier tonight." i replied turning around.

there was awkward silence until elena walked into the room.

"i told jeremy." she said breaking the awkward silence between me and stefan.

stefan turned around to look at her

"i can't lie to him anymore." elena said looking at stefan

"you all right?" stefan asked while he walked over to her.

"no, I'm not alright." she said keeping eyes contact with stefan, " i thought, with all the tomb vampire's gone, things wuld get better." she said looking between me and stefan.

"i know. we all did." stefan replied while moving a bit.

"katherine was in this house. Thats means shes been invited in." elena said looking between us. "what are we gonna do?" she asked

"move " i said with a little smile on my face.

"very helpful. thank you." she said in a sarcastic tone.

"katherine wants you dead. There's zero you can do about it. you will be dead" I replied looking at elena and stefan " but you're not, so clearly she has other plans." i started again.

Elena turned around and sat down, while stefan moved to stand behind her

"right we need to find out what those other plans are." he said "...and not provoke her in the process" he continued while pointing at me.

i looked away from elena and stefan.

"what happened tonight when you thought she was elena.?" he asked looking down at elena for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to me.

Elena looked at me.

"too risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowed forehead" i said straightening up and walking the the side of the couch while elena's and stefan's eyes followed my every move

"...we kissed." i smirked at him.

"and you thought it was me?" elena said

"what do you mean 'you kissed'?" he said

"well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go:" I said making kissing noises

I quickly sped behind elena when stefan tried to get me.

"don't be obvious, stefan." i said pointing at him.

he walked towards me like he was about to attack me but elena jumped up.

"stefan, wait, he kissed katherine, not me." she said putting her hand to her chest while stefan gazed betweeen me and elena.

she turned around to look at me "i wouldn't do that." she said
we dont have time for this, guys." she started again turning around back to stefan.

"later." he said smilling at me while i smirked back at him and nodded.

"john must know something." Elena started.

"there has to be a reason katherine tried to kill him." she turned back around to me.

" she's ketherine" i said lifting my arms while spinning around to lean on a wall and crossing my arms"she loves to play games, and your fooling yourself ...if yuou think you're gonne find out what she's up to before she wants you to know." i said

"no actually, Elena's right. john could know something throught isobel." he said cutting in while still keeping his gaze on me then looking backi at elena, "your mother was in touch with katherine. we can go to the hospital." he said

"get him toi talk." still keeping his gaze on elena

"i've got a better idea." i said while they both turned there gaze to me.

" what's that?" elena asked

"i'm just gonna ignore the bitch. see you." i said turning around to walk out

"is that smart?"

"If katherine thinks she's being ignored, it'll lure her out. she'll make a move." i said turning back around

"yeah? then what?" stefan said

"stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. we'll see." i said walking out of the house

Salvatore boarding house-

once i got home from the hospital the door was wide open, i walked into the house confused i turned around and closed the door behind me, once i closed the door i walked over to the table i keep my drinks.

I grab a bottle of whiskey before puring myself a cup as i lifted it up to my mouth i heard a woosh behind me.

i looked around to find nothing. i turn back to my drink and i was about to take a sip when i heard another woosh behind me.

so i put my drink down and turned around, but before i could turn around pushed to the ground i looked at who pushed me i was surprised to see my big sister.

"allison?" i said with a smile on my face standing up quickly to hug her.

"hello brother. miss me?" a smirk appeared on her face.


Allison Rose Salvatore  // Klaus Love FanficWhere stories live. Discover now