Arrival Of Katerina Petrova

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The Next Morning-

I woke up to damon leaning on the door frame looking at me sleeping.

"it's creepy to watch someone sleeping." i said leaning up to get a better look

"get up." was all he replied, i groaned and got up

"where we going?" i said as i sped over to my wardrobe to grab clothes for the day

"sheirff forbes wants to meet us at the lockwood mansion." he said turning around to walk away

"when your mean us, you mean she wants you to meet at the lockwood mansion." i said raising my eyebrows and looking at him.

"well yes but your coming." he said turning aroung to look at me

"and why am i coming.?" i asked walking into my bathroom.

"because you just got here and i want to spend time with you." he said outside the bathroom door.

i walked out in a black tight t-shirt with a leather jack and some stormy blue jeans with some high-heel leather boots.

"so your basically telling me i can't be trusted?" I said walking past him leaving my room

"no, that's not what i'm saying, i just want to spend time with my older sister." he replied following after the older vampire

"mmh-hmm" was all i replied with before we both walked downstairs with me following after him.

Lockwood Mansion-

We walked in to the lockwood mansion, carol invited me in.

"i wanna know excatly who's responsible for killing my husband." she said as we all walked into a different room.

"I'm looking into it, but you have to be straight with me." sheirff forbes says while looking at carol,

"Is there any reason Richard was affected by the vampire device?" sheirff continues as we all stopped walking

i was looking at the decorations while they talked but still listening to the conversation.

"what are you implying? That he was one of them?" carol said tring to defend her dead husband

"No, no. No one's implying that." damon cuts in

"Your deputies screwed up, plan and simple, Which makes you responsible." she continues

"carol-" damon tries to calm them down

"your husband is the one who helped john gilbert execute his idiot plan in the first place." Liz says trying to defend herself.

"liz-" damon tries again, i smirked at the sight of the two fighting.

"someone got my husband killed." carol says with tears forming in her eyes.

"we're all on edge here." he pauses for a few seconds "you've suffered a great loss. The whole town has." he continues his speech

"but we have to stick together." he moves both his hands to there shoulder. "okay? Trust each other. we'll get throught this" he said, i rolled my eyes and smiled at his little comfort speech.

we walked away from them, "who's are, and what have you done to the old damon." i said grabbing some shampagne

"i'm still the old damon." he said looking at me with a smirk.

"not from what i just seen." i said loooking at him when we both saw someone with carol and stopped walking.

we were watching him and carol talk when sheirff forbes came over to us.

"whos the guy with carol." he asked

"Mayor's younger brother. mason lockwood." she answered.

"mason lockwood?" i whispered to myself keeping my gaze the guy.

"is he on the council? Like john glibert was when he rolled in?" he said turning his attention to the sheirff

"he's nothing like john. For one, he's not an ass." I let out a little laugh before turning to Liz "he's not a believer either. He wants nothing to do with the council." they looked at mason.

"He's too preoccupied finding the perfect way." she says while looking at damon

"hmm." damon hums in response while nodding, damon looks at me with a smirk on his face."thanks see you." he said looking back a sheirff forbes for a second before turning back to me.

"so the lockwoods are supernatrual? or something like that" i said turning my gaze back to mason.

"something like that." he sayd before walking off.

i turned to look at damon then turned my gaze back to mason for a few seconds before grabbing another drink and walking off

i was walking when i bumbed into someone, i turned around to apoligize when i saw who it was.

"katherine, im guessing." i said glaring at her.

"Allison. what a surprise." she said looking up and down at me."you've changed." she continued

"yeh i'm a bitch like you." i said walking away i could here her groan in annoyance bafore following me.

"so what you doing in this town." she asked.

"i could ask you the same" i said grabbing some food and turning around to her."okay what do you want katherine."

"i want nothing," she said grabbing a drink.

"that's a lie, i mean, you're don't just show up out of the blue just to mess around with people." i looked at her.

"you never know." she replied before turning around and walking off

I rolled my eyes at her being dramatic.#

"you coming?" damon walked into the room looking at me.

"yeh." i replied while turning around and walking out the door.

i looked at damon and noticed he was a bit more bad from the last time i saw him

"whats wrong with you." i asked.

"that bonnie witch getting one my nerves" he said walking

"bonnie witch? what'd she do?" i stopped walking to look at him.

"always using her powers on me" he replied.

he stopped talking and looked at someone on the steps, i looked past him and saw some that looked like katherine but her scent was different, she was human.

she walked over to us she looked a bit jelly once she saw me but i didn't care.

"hey. How you doing?" she took her gaze off me and looked at damon

"great, Elena walking on sunshine, tanks for asking." he said looking between her and the people outfront.

"Damon-" she tried to talk

"elena" he cut her off

"this is awkward. i'ma go grab a bite." i said looking at damon with a smirk.

"allison-" he looked at me.

"see you, have fun with your girl problems" i looked at elena then walked off.

i walked off, but i wasn't just going to get something to eat and i was going to see a witch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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