Chapter 6 (new Music studio)

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The morning Peyton walked up in her husband's arm feeling warm and loved by him. Peyton looks at the clock at 6:30. Peyton got out of Julian's arms and decided to do some work at home in her office. Peyton made it possible to call the people she wanted to sign with. Peyton got Mia and a guy named Alex who is a sixteen year old boy. Peyton works on designing and writing her own song about her emotions about life. Peyton works 30 minutes before getting breakfast ready. Peyton went back to walk up to her husband to see that he was already up. Peyton saw that Julian was on the phone while sitting on their bed. Peyton walked in the room and got on Julian 's jacket before going down stairs to make food. Peyton made some pancakes and sausage. When Julian was done on the phone with his work call, he went downstairs to see his wife cooking in the kitchen with music on. Peyton was making the pancakes. Julian in the door frame of the kitchen said that his beautiful wife was in his jacket dancing to the music while cooking. He was watching his girl in the kitchen thinking about her when they first met and growing up here and how she made it out with a couple scars. Julian walks into the kitchen to help wife finish cooking before waking up their kids. When the couple were done, they turned off the stove before cleaning the kitchen. Peyton says "Good Morning, babe how was your sleep" Julian replies "Good morning baby, my sleep is better when I have you." Peyton and Julian both decide to wake up the kids before eating breakfast. Peyton says "Which kid should we wake up first?" Julian says "let's wake Jordan first." Peyton went up the stairs with Julian behind her and their son's room. Peyton waits in the doorway while Julian says "Jordan, your mom made breakfast." When Jordan heard that his mom made breakfast he got up. Julian picked up Jordan and carried him to the bathroom while Peyton left the room and went to wake up Alex. Peyton entered the room and picked up Alex from his crib and placed him on her chest. Peyton said "Alex, Buddy it's time to wake up. It's breakfast time." Alex  woke up and his mother's Arms and stayed there while Peyton went downstairs with him and placed him in his highchair. By the time Peyton was done putting Sam in his High chair, Lance ,Julian, and Jordan sitting at the table sat in their seats. When Peyton sat down everyone started eating.

When breakfast was done Peyton and Julian got the kids to put away the food while Lance did the dishes. Peyton and Julian are in the kids gated living room. Peyton Julian and Lance talk about what their plans were today but Lance was going to plan on driving back to LA for work that day. Payton and Julian told Lance that it is ok to go back to LA without them, and that they would come and visit him once they are settled in a grove of new home life. Peyton and Julian took the kids out of the play area and sat near Lance and gave him the kids so they could say goodbye to their Uncle Lance. Jordan gave his uncle Lance a hug and while Alex sat him but Lance gives Alex a hug. Lance and the kids sat for a minute before Lance got up and grabbed his bags from up stairs.

Lance, Julian and Peyton all had moments after grabbing his bag to say goodbye. Peyton gave Lance a hug. Then Julian did the same with Lance. Peyton says "Thank you Lance for helping us move in. I will miss you and we can meet again soon." Lance "Goodbye Baker family, See you again soon and stay in contact." Peyton and Julian help with Lance bag and gave him the keys to the truck. The Baker family went out side help put Lance thing in the truck. Lance gave every a hug before hoping in to his truck and waving goodbye at them. Peyton and Julian holding on to the kids gives with Lance wave while he was revering out of their driveway.

Peyton and Julian brought the kids back inside got ready for there day. Peyton had planned to look at the studio space that Karen said she would let Peyton have . Peyton Picked up Sam  before going upstairs and getting ready with him. Peyton went to Alex's room and put on a pascal blue long shirt and black cargo pants for the winter in California. When Peyton was done dressing Alex she went to the bathroom and got him ready. Peyton Help with sound morning routine before bring him downstairs to husband Julian  to watch for going back and getting herself ready. My Peyton  got back upstairs to her room she put on I'm pascal pink shirt With her blue jean pants.  Pick Peyton grabbed black purse that was to side of her closet before getting her phone that was on the nightstand charging. Peyton  then went downstairs to see that her sons Jordan was ready. She saw that Julian was holding their son Alex  while he was sitting on the floor in the living room waiting for Peyton. The first person to notice Peyton was in the room was Jordan.  when Peyton noticed that her son realized she was there he ran towards her and she got down on her knees to meet her sons height. When Jordan got into his mothers He hugged her. Peyton got up holding Jordan in her arms while Julian got up with their son Alex and his arms before check in the house. It took them 10 minutes to check the house until leave. Juliana was in the driver seat while Peyton was in the passenger and the two kids were in the back buckled up.  Peyton gave Julian the directions to the studio space that Karen told her. When they got their Julian parked the car. after Peyton parked the car. Peyton and Julian got out and took the kids out. When the family got to the studio space the keys were on the door. Julian opened the barn door. The studio area was a  big area where the kids ran in  open got to the space it was just empty. Julian watches their kids while Payton has a notebook writing note that will need to be added to the studio space.

 Julian watches their kids while Payton has a notebook writing note that will need to be added to the studio space

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hen Peyton was done looking at the place and notes. She took a picture of the space and sent it to Brooke because her best friend is her silent partner in the financially. When she sent the text she started looking at area again. Julian asks "Baby, Does this place work for you?" Peyton says "Babe, I think this place will work for me for setting up a studio space. I think Mia will like this place when we are done." Julian says "I think Mia will want to work with you. We can get people help build the studio and the office that you and others will need."

Peyton text Karen "She will take the place. I can rent a first month." Karen text back "Ok Peyton, that's fine but you send in the mail or give like get back to tree hill." Peyton says "ok"

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Before Peyton locked the studio she check where to put recording studio.After leaving the studio Baker family took the kids to the basketball court. Peyton sent Haley the studio space.

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