Chapter 9

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Peyton took the kids to the studio to check out anything else that she would need to buy. Peyton knew that she would be calling Alex to the recording studio probably in two months. Peyton knew that she would need to buy a new Soundsystem microphones office Supplies. But Peyton also know she would have to buy plants and other things for the studio. Peyton List about buying furniture like couches, chairs, office materials.Payton also check the restrooms and everything. But she also saw that she needed to call the plumber to update the bathrooms. OK Peyton, let the kids hang out in the open area. There is nothing harmful for them before letting them go free. Once Peyton was done, checking everything out, she took the kids to the park to get some of their energy out before giving the kids to Brooke. 

Well at the park, Peyton went on her phone and watch the kids while they ran and played. Peyton checked out what kind of style she wanted for her office. Peyton also thought of everything that she could need to buy and she looked for the nearest office Store. Office store would be at least 20 minutes away from where she was. Peyton knew that she would have to go and look at the office material later. She may bring the kids with her. The kids were running out their energy, and then Payton went and joined them. She had her bag and everything when she did it. She chased around both kids, push them on the swings and let them go down the slide a couple times before packing up and bringing the kids back to the car. Peyton and Kids were at the park for 2 hours. Alex was knocked out when he got placed into his cars while Jordan was still up. Peyton then took them to go get lunch at McDonald's.

When Peyton got to McDonald's She picked up Alex while Jordan got out of the car. Peyton grabbed her bag before locking the car. She went to the entrance of the door and let Jordan in before her and Alex. After letting Jordan and Payton ordered food for the three of them. Peyton ordered a hamburger for herself and two kids happy meals which included a toy inside. Peyton sat down with the kids at the table, waiting for her food to get done. Once the food was done she let the kids sit while she grabbed the food. Peyton got waters for all three of them before getting back to the seats with the food. Peyton helped Alex eat the food while Jordan just ate his food by himself. Both kids were enjoying spending time with their mom. Peyton knew she would have to go help Nathan. Peyton brought both kids to the girls restroom and use the biggest bathroom stall and let both her kids go before getting back in the car and driving to the old Karen's Café . Brooke h bought the area to turn the old Karen cafe into  new clothes over bro space.

Once Payton got in the car and buckled both kids, and she drove To the old Karen's Café. One. She got a parking spot. Payton took out both the kids out of the car and carried the kids bags with her. Pam knew that she was leaving her kids with Brooke but wasn't sure if Haley was doing the same with Jaime because she had to work. Peyton lock the car once she got everything out. She picked up Alex and put him i Her arms. Before taking Jordan's hand and taking the kids to the building and which Brook said she would be. Once Peyton got there, she saw that Brooke was inside but it also that Brook had Jaime with her. Peyton would be fine with leaving her kids with Brooke. When Peyton entered the room, she saw that Brook had Jaime sitting at a table inside. Peyton noticed that Brook was standing and mapping out the area. Peyton said "Hey Brooke, i'm dropping off the kids. I have to go see Nathan and check him out at the hospital because how is that work. I already checked at the studio space and I have to go to the next hardware and furniture place later this week."  Brooke says "I know Peyton. I'm going to go with you to go furniture shopping when when you're ready. But also, I'm willing to take the kids from you when you go see Nathan." Payton dropped off the kids. Jordan went to the table and sat by Jaime inside at the table and colored. Brooke took Alex from Peyton's arms so that she could go and help Nate. Once Brooke took Alex Payton gave both her kids a kiss on the head before leaving them with Brooke. Peyton left the hospital and went to go see Nathan. Nathan was in a wheelchair so she was just gonna bring him to the hospital.

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