Chapter 2

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"LISA! Lisa wait! I have something for you."
"Can it wait? There is someone waiting outside for me."
"Fine, but when your finished talking to Blake lemme know." Lila said under her breath.
"What did you say?"
"Oh nothing. Bye-bye now." She said sarcastically.

Lisa rolled her eyes and proceeded to her front lawn. It wasn't long before she saw him, but this time he was inside his house with his back to the window. 'Ugh dammit! This is all her fault' - she thought in complete anger and frustration. She decided since they were new to the neighbourhood she would give them a nice, warm welcome. Lisa walked over to their house and knocked on the door.

A short girl opened the door. She looked like she was around 6 years old, her hair was in two short pigtails. She had on a unicorn sweater that fit her like a dress.
"MOOOOM!! MOMMY!!! SOMEONE IS AT THE DOOOR!!!!!" She said holding a unicorn in one hand and a Barbie doll in the next.

Not long after the sound of some very high heels came clacking down the wooden stairway. A woman in her late 40s came to the door. To be honest, she didn't seem all that happy to see Lisa standing there. She gave her a cold stare and smiled fakely before asking

"Just what are you doing here? My son isn't in the mood for whores like you. You Valentino b***h!"
"Well good day to you too ma'am!" Lisa replied feeling a bit hurt by the ...'rude' comment the lady just so willingly bestowed upon her.
"I really do not have time to be standing here going through the whole idea of common courtesy with you just tell me why you're he..."

"That's enough mom."

The voice came from the kitchen. It sound rough and a bit annoyed. Lisa's face lit up in complete excitement and anticipation of just who that voice belonged to. The mother rolled her eyes and slammed the door in Lisa's face, then walked away laughing.

Within a few minutes the door creaked open and standing there, was probably one of the hottest guys Lisa had ever seen in her life.

His perfectly cut hair was combed ever so neatly, at least to her. It was wet, like he just took a shower. He leaned against the door, which led her eyes to wonder down his beautiful body.

"This is actually the part where you say why you're here you know." He said chuckling shifting his weight to his right leg.
"Oh! Oh yeah! Welcome to the neighbourhood! I'm Lisa Valentino." She blushed, holding out her hand.
"Oh, well nice to meet you Lisa. I'm Blake"

'Blake? As in the one Lila was talking about earlier?'- she exclaimed silently.

"What did you say?"
"Huh? Oh um nothing nothing. I hope you enjoy your time living here. Bye!"

I hurried off and went straight to Lila who was organising the clothes in Lisa's bedroom.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lisa shouted.
"Tell you what? Oh did you know that my friend Blake just moved into the neighbourhood and he's really cute?" Lila smirked "I was going to tell you before you left but whoever was waiting must have been very important."
"Shut up."
"So why do you care?" Lila asked putting the shoes in colored order.
"Because, I've been single for 7 months and its getting well.... boring. I want someone new, someone fresh, I want.. him." Lisa said walking over to her window, placing her hand on the the sheet of glass separating her from outside.
"7 months? Didn't you just break up with Issa like, 4 weeks ago?" Lila questioned walking over to Lisa.
"He wasn't boyfriend, we were dating but.. he wasn't boyfriend material"

Lisa sighed and put her head against the window thinking of a plan. A plan to make Blake hers.

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