chapter 16

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Author pov:-

Fatima took knife from sammy and throw out of her reach hurting herself in process someone was kneely Watching her but hissing sound from her plumpy lips broke his terrance as he rush towards her and when he saw her already burned hand got a cut it was a not that deep cut but due to being burned  itcause more pain and hurt as hell.

Shehryaar rushed towards her and backhanded her infront of everyone and spoke menancingly "DAMN IT, WHY DO YOU WANT TO LOOK GREAT ALWAYS HUNHH AND HOW DARE YOU TO HURT YOURSELF" tears were running out of her eyes and she was not even to spoke a word she taste metalic liquid which her lip was burst open due to the harshness of slap and cheek is swollen.

He harshly hold her hand from below the elbow bruising it in the process and roar looking at sammy direction "TAKE THIS SLUT TO BASEMENT IN SPECIAL ROOM AND TREAT HER I WILL TAKE CARE OF HER AFTER SOMETIME" his guards come servant came and drag sammy from there.

Fatima look in to her eyes which was red as blood and somewhere there was concern in them he tightens his hold took her to the vast sofa and make her sit on it and dialed someone number and spoke "john come home in ten min only ten not a second more" and cut the call without listening to other side.

After a minute he come toward her with cotton and liquid he bent down on your knees and took her hand in his rough one and observe the wound kneely and spoke in hoarsing voice concern was dripping in his dark tone "it will hurt a little" he spoke as he had not burned her hands yesterday which was worst than this her subconscious spoke.

He dip the cotton into the liquid and start to clean her wound she hissed in pain and try to pull her hand from his hold but he tightens it it was burning as hell but he didn't realese and continues his work she was hissing in pain and after sometime her cry was audible but he pay no heeds to it.

" ......burning......plz" but he continues his work she screamed in pain when he press cotton on the cut she got freshly 10 minutes before " hurts I SAID LEAVE" she start to thrashing in his hold before she feel a stinging pain again and this time it was much hardly than before.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU" he shout scaring the hell put of her she went stiff sobbing silently she flinch many times but didn't utter a word.

Once he was done he moved out of here and brought a turmeric milk it was not a normal one but more than than a huge one he come infront of her and brought it near her lips and spoke only one word "DRINK" she make puppy eyes because it was the last thing she want to drink and spoke "'s smelly" he was amused and want to chuckle looking at her adorable face.

Her nose was pointed red...eyes fluffy due to crying and cheeks were tears stained and bruised one...lips were busted but looking adorable but he maintained her hard composure and spoke again " i.said.just.drink" she was on verge of crying and want to argue but one look from the beast slowly she open her petals lips and close her nose with other hand and eyes and starts to drink it as a child.

He want to laugh and a chuckle left his mouth and a genuine smile spread across his face but she didn't notice then a loud shouting sound was heared his smile vanish and she stop drinking and look at the source of sound.

"What the fuck Shehryaar you called me this early now where you get shot....." but stop blabbering after seeing the scence infront of him it was john his friend.


Thank you 😊

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