Chapter 2

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Warisha felt like she could faint. The red words flashed on the digital screen, announcing that their flight's gate had closed. Izhaan and her looked at each other, both their faces blanched and eyes round, then sprinted toward the gate. A thick, masculine arm stopped their run.

"This gate is closed, sir," the guard drawled lazily, pointing a single finger up to show them the sign.

"But...but...our flight!" Warisha panted, her voice panicky as she looked close to begging the man to let them through.

"You're late, ma'am." He answered and pointed another finger, this time guiding their gazes to the window to see their plane taking off.

"No!" She almost yelled, ready to run in the direction of the plane as if she could somehow teleport into it if she was close enough. Izhaan grabbed her wrist, holding her back.

"Warisha, breathe. It's okay." He whispered in her ear, calmly kneading her shoulder.

"But our flight, Izhaan! We have to get home!" She argued frantically.

"We can go by the next flight. Many flights go to Pakistan from here everyday." He gently explained, passing her a reassuring smile.

"Good evening, sir and ma'am. Is there a problem?" A woman walked up to them in a neat uniform of a flight manager.

"Yes, we missed our flight to Islamabad." Izhaan informed.

"Okay, then your luggage must have been removed from the plane. We'll put you on the next flight available. Currently, all flights to Pakistan are overbooked so I can't guarantee anything right now." The manager told the two of them and Warisha felt the ground slipping from under her feet. Foreign country. Overbooked flights. God, what else could go wrong with her? At least I'm not alone here, she thought.

"Thank you." Izhaan perceived the missed flight as a golden opportunity, the fruit of putting up with the two brothers for so long. They were here in Dubai, all by themselves with no one to disturb them. Unlike Warisha, he didn't seem eager at all to get home. He was taught to grasp an opportunity when given to him, unless another person deserved it more, but there was no one who deserved to spend time with his wife more than him.

"What will we do?" Warisha cried out, holding her head in her hands as she fell on one of the waiting chairs behind them.

"Well, let's start with eating something?" Izhaan scratched his ear sheepishly when she looked up and gave him what would count as a glare if she wasn't so innocent-looking. It made him laugh more than it intimidated him.

"We're stuck here, Izhaan. Stuck. And you want to eat?" She asked incredulously.

He sat down on the chair beside her and took her hand, hiding it between both of his. "It's not that big of a deal. We're in this country that we can explore, and we're together. Can you think of it as a...a...pre-rukhsati honeymoon?"

The red color of her face was back at the mention of honeymoon. "T-That's not a thing!" Of course, it wasn't. Wouldn't desi parents have a fit if they're children was seen honeymooning before rukhsati? Even if they were already religiously married after the nikkah?

"Hmm," he hummed in agreement. "But we can make it a thing." He stood up and grabbed her hand, tugging her along to somewhere he didn't know of himself.

Izhaan dragged Warisha to a restaurant, and somewhere in between, he hadn't really needed to drag her. She'd given in willingly, a little excited about the whole thing now. Izhaan seemed sure of himself and what he was doing even if she was confused beyond words. There was someone else, someone she knew she could trust, to lead her.

"I should inform Bhai Jaan." She murmured to herself, remembering how no one knew how they'd missed their flight.

She'd only talked about her brother but for Izhaan, she might've just mentioned Shaitan himself. "No!"

Startled by his sudden outburst, she staggered, looking at him funnily. Izhaan quickly cleared his throat and explained, "I meant that don't tell him. They are...between a flight so they'll be worried. Leave a text for your mother or father instead."

Warisha pouted thoughtfully, then nodded in agreement. She reached a hand into her pocket to take out her phone, later realising she'd tossed it in her bag instead. The bag that they'd left in the waiting area.

"I don't have it."

"Acha, okay. Abhi chalo, I'll message someone myself." He tugged her hand again, pulling her in the direction of one of the many restaurants at the airport. Requesting for a table for two, they let the waitress guide them. Now, Izhaan's heart and mind were at peace. No evil brothers between them, just the two of them, sitting across from each other. He could look at her all he wanted. And it was exactly what he did—stare unabashedly.

Two seconds later, Warisha squirmed under his attention, looking down at her lap instead. He reached forward and nudged her hand with his finger, then intertwined their fingers together, resting it on the table.

"I didn't like it," he said, still looking at their hands.

"What?" Warisha asked, confused.

"How you've been ignoring me for two years. Matlab shohar ki to koi izzat hi nahi hai," he sighed dramatically and Warisha sat up, alarmed at his words and accusation.

*"There's no respect for the husband."

"Nahi, wo mein..." She began to defend herself, cut off when Izhaan pulled at her hand, taking her along with him. He smiled cheekily when she scooted closer to the table, staring at him in surprise.

*"No, I was..."

"I'm joking, Warisha. Only about the respect for husband part, though. I really didn't like the whole ignoring thing. Don't go back to that again." He was sure he was yet to unlock the real her but he could settle for this girl now. At least she talked with words and not nods and hums. He'd probably never forget that silent treatment in his life.

She ducked her head, embarrassed, as their food came in. He pushed her plate of pasta in her direction and bit into his burger. They ate quietly-only because they weren't willing to bite their tongues, though if Izhaan could, he'd talk to her every second of his day.

As he reached into his pocket to get his wallet, he remembered something. Something very important, and something he had somehow completely forgotten about. He dropped his head, his forehead and nose meeting the glass table with a bang that scared Warisha. She sat up straight.

"What happened?" Was it possible someone had added sedatives to his burger and he'd now fainted? It was the first thought that ran through her head. Or maybe he'd realized just how grave their entire situation was and passed out as a coping mechanism.

"I forgot something." He grumbled like a kid would upon losing his favourite toy.


"You're coming with me!"

(A.N): Please vote, comment, and share if you liked the chapter <3

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