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A blank mind is peaceful
No thoughts no dreams
No fears no loss
No suffering no cross
Amnesia Amnesia
What it is?
A hollow mind
With nothing in it
A lady visit me
To tell me stories
Of how my car came from dowry
How it fall from higher cliff
And she feel so sorry
i don't remember her at all
I don't remember my pals
I don't remember any car
What is family
What are pals
I remember nothing at all
What is sound
What is ground
Like a toddler
I can't even crawl
Grown up baby
That's i am
Visiting me daily
Is what she did
Told me stories
Second by second
Slowly i started
Believing the stories
Inserting my mind with
Thoughts of holly
How to be a good husband
Is true holly
She puts in my mind
To Follow her orders
And be kind to all your brothers
Corrupted wolves
Wants me to be patriotic
Fight and die
So they can earn profits
Unforgiven manipulation
Happened to me
But i don't know what it is
I don't know what they did
Independent thinking
Is it a real thing?
Reverse Amnesia
Wolves call it!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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