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The next morning I decided to go to the gym

Not just any gym though

I was going to go to practice with Xavi today and he said if I wanted I could use the team gym to work out in

I said I would and I asked if the team would have to work out today and he said yes to that

So I was just praying I didn't see pedri

I mean sure he liked me but it just felt so surreal to hear him say that for the first time

I liked him but I didn't want to give him that satisfaction of hearing me say that to him yet

After I got ready Xavi called me downstairs and we left to go to the stadium

When we arrived I saw mikky and sira and both hugged them before going inside to the gym area

When I walked in I saw a few players there but I just ignored it

That was until I saw Alejandro and pedri talking before separating and starting their own workouts

I put my AirPods in my ears and started to get the equipment for my first set of squats

That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder

I turned to see Alejandro

I smiled a gave him a big hug

"Qué estás haciendo para tu primer entrenamiento?" (What are you doing for your first workout)

"sólo sentadillas, ¿y tú?" (Only squats, you?)


"Oh and your little boyfriend told me about last night" he said this time in English looking at me

"Oh yeaaa that." I said awkwardly

"He really likes you chica"

"And how would you know that?" I questioned him

"Because you are all he talks about" he said as if that was obvious

I started to blush at the thought of him talking about me which ale didn't go without noticing

"Ehhh, my girl is in loveee" he said now people turning their heads because he said that loud as fuck

Pedri looked over dissatisfied and sad which made me a little said because he assumed I was in love with someone else

I shushed him jokingly

"Nopee, never" I said putting my air pods back in and starting my workout

After I did my first set of squats I decided to go and get heavier weights

When I walked over I saw pedri doing hip thrusts but thought nothing of it

But then I had an idea

I wanted to fuck with him

So I grabbed some weights and placed them next to him

"Next set thrust these, it's the same as my body weight" I said as I winked and walked off

I went back and saw ales jaw on the floor with wide eyes

"I know you did not" he said in awe

I looked over to see Pedris face the color of a tomato while he added the weights on

"Oh he's desperate" ale spoke again

I just giggled and continued my workout

After the day was over me and Xavi left the stadium and drove home

The car ride was mostly silent until he started to speak

"Isabela. Sé que esto es aleatorio, pero quiero que sepas cuánto te amo y siempre estaré agradecido de que seas mi sobrina, sé que tu papá te hizo pasar por las cosas más terribles y lo que ese hombre te hizo esa noche no tiene nada. que ver con tu sonrisa y cómo vives tu vida hoy. solo queria decirte que te amo mucho mi sobrina" (Isabella. I know this is random but I want you to know how much I love you and will always be grateful that you are my niece, I know that your dad put you through the most terrible things and what that man did to you that night is nothing to do with your smile and how you live your life today. I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much my niece)

At that I started to hysterically cry

It was out of nowhere

He just said that our of nowhere so casually

"Xavi I love you. Your the best uncle ever and I'm so happy that your my uncle, you saved me and I will always be grateful for you and this life I get to live" I said crying

As soon as we got home I gave Xavi the longest hug and then went up to bed

I would never recover from his words

It was the sweetest thing someone had ever said to me

I was super tired so I brushed my teeth, got in bed, and soon drifted off to sleep



Also next chapter should I make it so they go to the Monaco Grand Prix 🫢⁉️

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔, 𝑷𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒊 𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒛á𝒍𝒆𝒛Where stories live. Discover now