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(hey pookies 😻. i haven't updated in what feels like years but i'm gonna be updating more frequently so enjoyyy)

today was our last day in italy and i was so sad to have to leave

but since it was our last day we all decided to go to a club

as me sira and mikky were all getting ready together, we talked about how fun italy was and how it was like a break from normal life in spain

"i'm going to miss the food" sira said as we laughed

"right" i said giggling

as sira was finishing getting ready, and me and mikky were already done, we heard a knock on the door

frenkie, ferran, and pedri all showed up in our room after we let them in

frenkie hugged mikky and pecked her lips

ferran hugged sira from behind as she fixed her makeup in the mirror

then, pedri walked up to me gave me a side hug then his mouth formed a straight line as we stood there awkwardly

once sira finished i spoke up

"should we go now?"

"yes" pedri said glad the awkward moment was over

once we got to the club it was super busy with people everywhere

i decided to get drinks for me and pedri

once i got our drinks and when back to pedri he smiled politely and thanked me

we talked and flirted for a while and after a few drinks, it was my turn to get drinks for us because he had gotten them the last time

i got the drinks and made my way back to where me and pedri were sitting

that is when i see a girl cuddling up to him

that's when my heart stopped

they kissed.

i shouldn't have had the right to be jealous but i was, and i was angry

so in my angry and frustrated state, i walked up to a random guy a few feet away from me, in clear view of pedri so he could see, i tapped him on the shoulder and once he turned around i kissed him

to be completely honest i thought it would just be a quick kiss but it turned into much more

we made out for a while before i realized i never got to see this man's face correctly

so i pulled away and when i tell you this man was ugly, i mean it

and i know saying that was mean but it was the truth

when i went back to me and pedris seats he was no longer there

considering he went to dance with that girl, i decided i would ask if anyone wanted to drive me back to the hotel 

i walked over to alejandro and asked if he could drive me back to the hotel

"i'm sorry i want to stay a little longer, but gavi here was just about to drive back" he said patting gavis shoulder as he was right next to him

"well then" i said as he got his keys 

before i left though i made sure to give alejandro a hug

as me and gavi were driving back, i asked if i could connect my phone to play music and he said yes

so of course i had to play drake

we were vibing to the music, but before we knew it we were back at the hotel

we made our way to the lobby,which was completely empty

we were about to separate ways because our rooms were on either side of the hotel

but before anything, gavi had grabbed my face and kissed me

the thing is....

i didn't pull away

i was still drunk but it still felt so wrong especially the fact i was betraying pedri and he didn't even know it

i pulled away before anything else could happen, mumbled a quick 'goodnight' and speed walked all the way back to my room

i guess he just stood there and watched me because when i turned back he wasn't at him room yet

that's when he turned back and saw me staring then giggled at me

i instantly looked away full of guilt

i only thought of him as a friend nothing else

i took my heels of got into my pajamas and didn't even make an effort to take my makeup off or brush my teeth

i was so exhausted

the next thing i knew i was on a plain on my way back to spain

the hangover was major

"i'm never drinking again" i said my eyes closed talking to sira

"seriously.." she said drifting off to sleep

pedri had been ignoring and glaring at me, so obviously he was mad

gavi hadn't spoken a word to me just smiled at me a few times

this would be a long flight

once we got back the team had practice

this practice was planned the same day and it was last minute

xavi wanted me to come for some reason but i really didn't feel like it so i pleaded with him but i failed at trying to convince him

once we made it to the stadium i told xavi i had to go to the bathroom

once i got out i passed by the locker rooms where ferran was walking out

"hey isa"

"hey ferran" i smiled

"you look tired, everything alright?"

"yea, just jetlag, but imagine how you guys feel having to practice right after the flight!" i said giggling

"right" he said laughing with me

ferran was about to say something when pedri came up behind him and patted his back

they then started walking leaving me behind

"damn some girls can be such attention seekers!" he said to ferran obviously referring to me

"alright i get it! your obviously upset, but that doesn't give you the right to talk like that about me as if i'm not standing right here!" i partly shouted making them turn around and look at me

"then leave" he said with no emotion in his voice which shocked me a little

as pedri said that gavi walked out

"hey isa!" he said excitedly not reading everyone's faces

pedri looked mad

"hey..." i said walking out of the stadium and calling an uber but not before texting xavi i was having 'girl problems'


help i might go to eastern Europe or southern Europe soon 😭😭

voteeee if u like

(i'll be updating way more frequently now 💗)

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