Broken Glasss

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Miku POV

Miku eye began to flutter open. She was confused. "What...Where am I?" Her vision was blurred. She couldn't make out her surroundings. Struggling to her feet a small tug pulled down on her right ankle. She let a soft shriek escape her lips as she landed on her hands and knees. She landed in something warm, wet, and sticky. Ignoring the substance she tugged her leg again. The clang of metal could be heard as she tugged. she brushed the cold hard floor wiping the wet substance everywhere till her hands met a long rope thing. Feeling it with her delicate hands the edges and bumps told her it was chains.

"Great I'm chained to the floor." Miku thought bitterly. "What the hell is this stuff?!" Miku mentally questioned as she began to feel the puddle on the floor. Squinting at it her vision began to clear up.

Her heart began to drum. Blood pounded in her ear. Her heart rate quickened and she crawled away quickly her feet scrambling against the cold floor. Her breathing grew ragged as she felt a scream try to bubble in her throat. But it wouldn't come out. Instead her stomach contracted. As yellow vomit spewed on the floor were the puddle of blood had been. Tears pricked at her eyes. 

Then she heard a soft noise from the corner. "Who's there?" Miku asked. Her voice shaking. The noise was heard again. It seemed to be coming from the corner of the room. Miku identified the noise as a sob. "Hello?....why are you crying." Miku asked her voice a bit louder now. The sobs grew louder and more uneven. The persons breathing was heavy and choppy. Muttering could be made out in between the uneven sobs. "I'm next....I'm next.....oh god I'm"

There was a loud slam as the dark cell room was flooded with light. Really bright light. It made her eyes sting. Using this to her advantage she turned her head towards sound  of the sobbing. 

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