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Author's POV:

The Abhimanyu was very angry on Mahira for not sharing her what was happening. He had felt on calls that she is hiding something from her but he didn't thought that she would hide to this extent. He driving at very high speed and trying is best not to lash at her as she was already scared and was crying.

They reached home. Abhi came out of the car and opened the door for ger and when she didn't came out as she was scared of her father's reaction. He took her hand in his big hand and held it in a tight grip and made her come out of the car and started to take big steps to go inside the house.

Abhi ringed the bell and waited for the door to open. Once ut was open, he didn't waited forced Mahira to come inside the living room with him and made her sit on the sofa. Sensing Abhimanyu's anger, Mahira did as he said as this was the first time she saw him this way, in front of her, he was always sweet.

It was late afternoon, and to his luck Mahira's father was at home today at this time. Her parents saw their crying daughter and angry Abhimanyu. Rishabh saw her crying and came running to Mahira and asked, "What happened bache, you are crying? And what is this mark on tour dace, did someone hit you?" He started checking her injuries. When she didn't replied to her father, Abhi got angry and said in cold voice, "He asked you something Mahira, Answer him." Mahira felt scared and in low voice told everything that started to happen from engagement and what happened today.

Her father was also angry on her for hiding such huge thing. He hugged and tried to calm her and asked her in anger. "You think your father is not capable of handling your problems. Huh! We were best friends Mahi, you should have shared on the very first day it happened!!" "Sorry papa, I fighted them, but then they were so many, I got scared." She said and cried.

After some time when she got normal, Beena asked about his arrival. He informed that he came to surprise her and for wedding shopping and spend time with her, but the start was worse. He had planned all, the lunch, shopping, and a lot but everything got changed when he saw the condition of Mahira in college.

They all had lunch together and Mahira went freshen up so both of them can go and spend some time before Abhimanyu leave for Jaipur. She went and changed and came down in her casuals.

 She went and changed and came down in her casuals

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They both went to the car and started to go mall. They had an appointment with the wedding planner regarding all the interiors and dress and everything. They both met the planner and told them about their preferences and it ended in an hour.

They had free time so Abhimanyu started to take her to different shops so that both can shop together. He took her to many shops but saw that she was not buying anything so he asked and she replied that she didn't liked them.

They went to the next shop but now Abhi was alert at this act, he saw that if she like something ahw would check the price and then move ahead. He understood the matter. He smiled at her act, it was cute in his eyes. So now Abhimanyu take the shopping task in his hand.

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