Chapter 5

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Taylor Swift

      We have four weeks of shows and we had finished two shows out of 12 shows. Somehow Nico, Jack,and Luke convinced our director to let them sit backstage for most of the shows.
      It made the show go so much faster and Zander stayed away. It was the middle of Dear Theodosia and Luke came up to me. "May I have this dance M'lady." He says in almost a classy accent.
     "You may." I say back in a British accent and take his hand. We slow dance for the whole song before I decide I needed to get ready to go on. After that we would dance around back stage even Jack and Kat would join us and Nico sometimes when the song wasn't slow.
     Our fourth show all the boys had joined us backstage. They had been gone for a two day road trip against Chicago and Winnipeg. They had a hard lose against Winnipeg but Chicago they played really well.
      When Dear Theodosia played Luke came up to me asking to dance like always. I smiled at him as his hand hold my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.
     We stare at each other for a second. "Hi." I say as a smile appears on my face which he just responds. "Hi." Then he's moving closer.
    His eyes flick down to my lips before going back to my eyes. His hand makes it's way to my chin pulling my head up so I'm fully looking at him. "Can I?"
    His voice was soft as he asked for permission before kissing me. I nodded not trusting my voice. He was soft as he kissed me. Our lips dancing together and all I can think about is how Zander never did this.
    Zander kissed me like I would run away if he wasn't harsh with me. I hated it but I let him do it without stopping him. I regret letting him even kiss me.
    Luke kissed me like he never wanted to kiss anyone else. He savored the moment and pulled me in closer to where our bodies collided. I was the one to pull away as Dear Theodosia ended.
     "As much as I would love kissing you some more. I really need to get ready to go back on." I say to him as we both tried to catch our breath. He looked gorgeous with my lipstick smudge on his lips.
    "Yeah.. you should probably redo your lipstick. It's a little fucked." Luke says and I laugh at that. "You too." I say at him motioning to his lips which he looks into one a mirror seeing himself.
     "I kinda like it." He says pulling me into another kiss one more time before we break apart. He cleans off his lips before Jack and Kat walk in.
     "Hey Colt." She says sitting down beside me and we get ready to go back on stage.

      "Hey so I was thinking about something." Luke says coming up to me after the show. "What's that?" I asked him smiling as I lean into him.
     "You'd look good with my number on your back." He says smiling at me which I smile back. "Who's gonna wear my number then?" Nico asked growing a little jokingly.
     "It's ok Neeks. We will find you a girl one day." I say to him which he just laughs as I wrap my arm around him. "Are you guys ready for the game tomorrow?" I ask them which they just smile at me.
      "Oh yeah I'm so excited to sit back, kick up my legs, maybe even take a nap." Luke says sarcastically which gets a laugh out of Nico and I.
      "You'll get to play one day rookie." Nico says patting Luke's back as we finally make it to our car. "Where's Jack and Kat?"
      We all finally realize that they both were missing. "I don't know. They were behind us when we left the building." Nico says as Jack and Kat come out from behind a car.
"Are you serious?!" Luke says seeing Jack with smudge lipstick on his face and glossy eyes. "God guys you couldn't wait until we got to the apartment." I say to them while unlocking the car seeing Kat fix her lipstick in her phone camera.
"Colt, Jacks gonna stay over if that's fine." Kat says and I just laugh before responding. "As long as I can stay in Jack and Luke's apartment. I don't want to hear you guys." I say jokingly which makes the group laugh.
"You can stay in my room. Also who do you think we are? We would never." Jack says sounding offended as his hand flew to his heart that I thought they were gonna have sex while I'm in the apartment.
We drop Jack and Kat off at our apartment and then we go to Nicos then to Luke and Jacks. "I guess it's just you and me tonight." Luke says as we walk into their apartment.
"We should watch shrek!" I say as I walk into the living room and lay down on their couch turning the tv on. "Yes we should. Popcorn?" Luke asked me as his head pops out above mine from the other side of the couch.
"Yes please." I say to him as I get comfy in the corner of the couch with a blanket. A few minutes later Luke joins me with popcorn and he slides under the blanket with me. I throw my legs on top of his while shrek begins to play.

"I think it's time for bed." Luke says standing up as the credits of Shrek roll on screen. "Yeah." I say yawning a little before standing up with Luke.
"I'll get you some pants and a hoodie." Luke says going into his room while I check my phone seeing Kat had sent me a photo. Jack and her were laying on the couch and he was laying face down on her stomach while she was playing with his hair.
I sent a photo back and then told her how cute they were. "Here you go." Luke says handing me some Gray sweats with the number 43 on one leg and a plain black hoodie.
"Thank you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking to the bathroom and changing. I sleep in Luke's room while he sleep in Jacks. We both thought it'd be weird if I slept in jacks so we switched bed rooms.
I think Luke was just jealous I was sleeping in his brothers bed instead of his. I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes.
I slowly make my way out of bed and to the kitchen seeing luke flipping pancakes on the stove. I wrap my hands around his waist. "Good morning." He turns around looking down at me. "Good morning beautiful." He says and I swear my heart exploded.
Nico, Kat , and Jack all ended up at Luke and Jacks apartment later that day grabbing some of the left over breakfast and Gatorade they had in there fridge.
It was game day for the boys so they had to leave pretty early to get to the arena on time. Kat and I stayed back getting ready at the boys house. Kat had brought me all my essentials and clothes so we didn't have to go back to the apartment.
We slowly got ready wearing Jack and Lukes numbers. "Hey I've got an idea where we can both wear nicos number and jack and Luke's." I say to Kat as she puts on her makeup and I threw on Lukes jersey.
"Go on.." Kat says scooting closer to the mirror. "So we can do like the dual shirt trend thing. Where you cut two jerseys in half and sew them together to make two different sides. We'd have to buy actual jerseys but I think it'd look cool."
"Yeah. Maybe tonight before the game we can get them. I think there selling both black and red tonight. We could get nicos black one and Jack and Luke's red one." Kat says looking over at me and I just nod. "I can pay for all of them and you can just Venmo me for jacks and half of nicos because we honestly just need one of Nicos jersey."
"Sounds good." She says before turning on the speaker and putting on music for us to listen too.

We were able to get the jerseys we wanted and shoved them in Kats purse so the boys hopefully wouldn't notice and we could surprise them.
The game went smooth with Mercer getting a hat trick and both Jack and Nico getting assists. I know Luke was upset about not getting to play again but he's been a good sport about it.
He pushes himself in practice to get to play. He tries to go to the gym everyday and works over practice time a lot with Nico and Jack. He really wants to play and I know it's eating him alive.
We meet the boys outside the locker room like we always do. "Good game boys." Kat says as she hugs Jack. Luke comes up to me not saying a word just wrapping his arms around.
"You smell good." He says just above a whisper so I can hear. I laugh a little "thank you." "Coach came up to me after the game."
My heart drops for him please tell me it's something good. "I get to play against the Buffalo Sabres on the 11th!" He says a smiling appearing in his face and the boys cheer for him giving him side hugs and patting his back.
"That's great." I say smiling at him and he just kisses me on my forehead. "Are you gonna celebrate?" I ask him knowing something like this deserves celebration.
"Well the boys all want to go and hang out tonight to celebrate Mercers hat trick so I think that's when I'm gonna celebrate." Luke says and I just smile at him before responding. "Ok well I hope you have fun and text me when you get home."
"I will." He says as Nico and Jack call for him to come on. Once there out of view Kat swings her arm around me and walks the opposite way.
"So.. are you guys dating yet?" She asked me smiling. "Nope. I think we both just want to take it slow." I say to her. "Awww my little kid is all grown up." She says and we both burst out laughing.

Authors note
Taking things slow is next level shit
I actually edited this before posting it thats crazy

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