Chapter 9

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Thought you should know
Morgan Wallen

       "Please Blue go and watch. I'll buy you plane tickets and tickets please." Luke says begging me to go to the Washington game.
       Luke got a call a few minutes ago that he'd be playing in the game. He almost immediately called his parents who said they'd make the game.
       His brother wouldn't be able to make it because he also had a game. "Luke.." I start but he beats me to it. "Please. This could be our last game this season. Please come. Kats going."
      "Luke you didn't let me finish.. I will come but your not buying my tickets because I've already bought them." I say to him showing him my phone where I had already bought a seat next to Kat by the bench.
      " fine I'll buy your plane ticket." Luke says going onto his phone. I know there's no way I can stop him from buying it.
      "It's bought!" He says jumping back into my bed and kissing me. "Thank you." I say just above a whisper as his arms wrap around me.

       The Washington game was the most stressful game I've been too. Kat and I held hands the whole game. In the first period we were down 3-1 and it was nerve racking.
      Nico had started the game while Coach Ruff had Luke and Jack on the same line up. Ruff was trying to use there brother chemistry to score more goals.
     Luke had gotten an assist in the first period and in the third Jack got and assist which made the team tied up with the Washington's. 4-4 was the end score of the third period meaning they'd go in overtime.
     Kat and I sat squeezing hands the whole overtime. Luke, Nico, and Jack ended up on the same lineup in overtime. Nico passed to Jack who moved the puck a bit before passing to Luke.
     Luke looked so graceful as he puck handled through the Washington's defense. Kat and I were now on our feet as he got closer to the goal.
     He shoots but it's rejected by the goalie and is behind the net as Luke is the first to get to it and just slid it right behind the goalie and into the goal.
    Kat and I jump up and down hugging as we rush over to where the boys would walk to get to the locker room. A few of the guys go by fist bumping Kat and I as they go.
     Nicos the first one out of the trio to get to us. "Nico!" Kat yells hugging him and he pulls her over the barrier. "Good game bud." I say to him which he laughs and pulls me over too.
     "Your gonna want to be on this side to see Luke." He says just so I can hear and then luke comes running over. He spins me around as we almost fall on the floor from how fast he hit into me.
     "You did it!" I say to him laughing as he picks me up. "I did it." He says smiling as he pulls my legs up to where there wrapping around him.
      "Good game Luke." I hear Kat say as she still waiting for Jack to stop talking to a coach. "Thanks Kat."
     Jack comes over hooting and hollering about how good Luke and Nico played. We all laugh as Luke finally lets me down.

     "You ready?" Luke said as we stood outside of the restaurant we were supposed to meet his parents at. I felt batter about meeting them because Kat was also meeting them too.
     "Yeah." I say giving him a kiss before grabbing his hand and lading him into the restaurant behind Jack and Kat. 
      "Jack! Luke! You guys played so good!" Says an older voice as we approached his parents. "This must be Kat and Colton." She says looking at Kat and I and giving us both a hug.
     "I'm Ellen and This is my husband Jim." She says motioning towards an older man who was hugging Luke. "It's so nice to meet you guys. We've heard so much about both of you."
     "It's nice to meet you too." I reply as we sit down. "Hopefully all good things." Kat adds on. Luke sat beside me holding my hand the entire time as we talked to his parents about the game.

"We get a hotel room to ourselves." Luke says as we open the door and put down our bags. "Good." I say giving him a kiss.
"You need to take a shower." I tell Luke as he wraps his arms around me. "I will in just a second." He whispers right by my ear and I recognize a small tang of pain behidn my right eye. I wince a little from it and like notices.
"You've got a headache." He says more of a statement instead of a question. His hands make there way to my face as his thumbs massage my temples. "Is that better?"
The pain dulled as he massaged my temples and I smirk at him. "How'd you know to do that?" I ask him curious as he keeps massaging. "Quinn gets headaches like you do."
"Really? Maybe Quinn and I will be able to get along." I joke with him and he just smiles kissing me. "He'll love you."
I smile before speaking. "Go take a shower. I have something to talk to you about." He stops for a second looking at me with a questioning look.
"Nothing bad. I promise." I say giving him a kiss before shoving him into the bathroom. The truth is that I finally wanted to talk to him about sex.
I was raised as a Christian when I was younger. So the term sex after marriage always stuck to me. So I wanted to talk to Luke about it and see his opinion.
"I'm done babe. How's your headache? " Luke says walking out with a towel around his waist. His hair drip down his chest as he went over to his suitcase to grab clothes.
"Better. I took some meds...I'll just start now." I say to him as he begins to get dressed in the corner of our room. "What do you think about sex? I just- I want to know your opinion."
Luke stops what he's doing and turns to look at me. He can tell I'm nervous by the way I'm picking at my cuticles. "Hey.. I want whatever you want. If you want to have sex we'll have sex. If you don't want to have sex we won't."
He sits down on the bed beside with great sweatpants on and nothing else. He lightly held my hands stopping me from picking at my nails.
"I- I want to wait til marriage.." The room is silent for a second and I can hear Luke open his mouth before closing it. "I just- I want it to be special when I do it." I try and justify myself.
"Whatever you want Blue. I want nothing more to be with you til forever... I- I love you.. you don't have to say it back but I just want you to know that. I will do anything to protect you and make you feel comfortable. Don't forget that."
I froze. Luke admired he loved me and I didn't even know what love truly was. I couldn't say it back. I couldn't do that to him. To say it and not mean it is worse than not saying it and waiting.
Luke's smile never falters as he just pulls me closer into a hug. "Let's go to bed Blue. It's late and we have a flight early in the morning."

Authors note
Sorry this took forever to make. I went into a writers slump for a bit but I'm back now :)
Love you guys!

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