Welcome + Rules!

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Hello, all! Now, I know rules suck, but they are here for a reason! (People that are in may be allowed to change, or even add some rules if they wish. Just don't be crazy with them)

1. Please don't be rude. 

2. Don't argue with another writer about what goes where, and so forth. 

3. If anyone writes a typo, that's ok! Either fix it or just tell them there's a typo in their work! Don't yell at them.

There will be more rules soon. Rules 1-3 were written by Koda. Genres will be on the next page. 

What is allowed when joining:


Original stories

NSFW (just keep it to a minimum)

Swearing (again, keep it to a minimum) 

What is NOT allowed:

Major NSFW

Major swearing

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