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(Y/n POV)

Despite being overwhelmed by whatever just happened I managed to get home safely.

I close my front door behind me as I collapse down onto the couch. Knowing that this is where I'll be for the next few hours, or maybe even days.

I quickly texted Ryujin that I came home safely and she immediately replied with a thumbs up and with 'text or call me if you need anything I'll be there whenever you need.'

Some reassurance that I hadn't felt in so long.

I spent the night, crying my eyes out. Though it didn't directly solve the problem, it helped me gather up my emotions that were scattered all over the floor.

It feels better to be crying out all my thoughts and feelings.

I didn't get a single minute or hour of sleep, being said so, it was about 9am. And all I wanted to do was stay home, not see anyone or even talk to anyone.

I had turned off my phone so that I wouldn't be bothered by anyone, especially by her.

I know people might be worried but it doesn't really matter to me. I just need to figure myself out first before I carry on with this messy life of mine.

The first few days were the worst as everything I did, reminded me of her. Even though we didn't 'officially' break up, I assume that since she didn't even try to reach out to me, we no longer had anything special between us.

Everytime I thought of her, or just thought of something that she would like, my eyes would start to become blurry and before I knew it, it was like a waterfall and it would take hours before I stopped crying.

I knew break ups would be hard, but I didn't think to this extent. Just to think that over all these years together and it just ends up in tears and pain.

I hate how I can never stop from thinking all these thoughts that I know that will just make things worse.

Because really, could I have prevented this from happening? I have no idea.

What if I had just decided to spend the day with her instead of going to work? Would things have been different?

Seeing Chaeryeong with another girl just made me question even further what we even have between us.

She said she's just a friend but I have a gut feeling that it was something more than that.

I was looking over my script as I would be coming back into work soon, looking over my lines until my phone started vibrating.

I looked over to see Yunjin calling me, so of course I answered.

"Yunjin, what's up?" I say answering the phone.

"Y/n when do you get back to work?" she asks quickly.

I hum in thought, "in 4 days, why?" in which I hear a gasp and some squeels of excitement.

"What what? Why are you excited?" I ask.

"Our days off line up! Do you want to meet my members?" Yunjin asks, "they've been wanting to meet you for so long, so what do you think."

Since I have nothing else better to do, why not, "yeah sure, when do you think is best?"

"Well, since it's already late how about tomorrow?" Yunjin replies.

"Tomorrow it is then." I nod, mentally noting that she's coming over tomorrow.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow, we'll be there around 5 or so." Yunjin says slowly.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." I say before hanging up on her.

At least this is something to get my head off Chaeryeong and I, I don't know why it even is still bothering me.

I decided to clean my apartment the day before Yunjin and her friends come over. Something that it took me a while to bring myself to do after a long time.


It was about 4:30, I was just sitting on the couch waiting for Yunjin and her friends to come here.

They should be here any time soon, I kill some time scrolling on my phone as music is playing on the tv in the background.

A few minutes later I get a call from Yunjin and pick it up.

"Hey Y/n~" she says playfully as I asnwer the phone.

"Hi Yunjin." I laugh, "what's up?"

I hear some rustling of plastic bags as she speaks, "we're like 5 minutes away, we're walking but I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"Oh yeah, no problem, I'll unlock the door so you guys can come straight in." I say, getting up and leave the door unlocked for them.

"Okay~ see you in 5." she says before hanging up.

Not even after 10 minutes I hear my front door open. seeing Yunjin walk in with 4 other girls behind her.

"Kang Kang!" I hear Yunjin say loudly.

Energetic as always.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I stand up and give her a hug.

"Very good thanks," she smiles, "let me introduce you to my members" Yunjin turns to the girls behind her, "Eunchae, Kazuha, Chaewon unnie and Sakura unnie."

I bow to them each politely and they do the same back.

"It's nice to meet you all," I smile at them and they return the same energy.

I couldn't help but stare at Chaewon when I first saw her. Her soft feature, her short hair, the way she carried herself, almost made me fall for her.

I cleared my throat to regain composure, "I bought us some drinks if you guys want, I figured it might be the easiest way to break the ice." I smiled.

"Oh amazing Y/n!" Yunjin patted my shoulder, "and just so you know, Kazuha and Eunchae won't drink because they're still babies." She giggled.

"Ahh right right," I nodded.

"Let's get started shall we!?" Yunjin said loudly.

(Author POV)

After a few rounds of shots, Y/n was completely drunk, although she is a heavy weight, she had more than 2 bottles of soju to herself.

"Y/n-ah, you should stop drinking." Yunjin said slowly.

Yunjin also had quite a bit to drink but she stopped earlier after seeing Y/n drink so much.

Y/n, in her intoxicated state, couldn't help but flirt with Chaewon, who was also under the influence.

"You know Chaewon, I couldn't help but stare at you when you first came in.." Y/n slurred flirtatiously.

Yunjin nudged Y/n on her arm as she whispered, "Y/n. You have a girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Y/n hiccupped, "Chaeryeong doesn't even talk to me anymore, it's been weeks since she talked to me." Y/n blinked slowly.

"You two broke up?" Yunjin said in shock.

"It hasn't been official but last time I saw her she was with another girl," Y/n hiccupped once more.

"Anyways stop distracting me." Y/n laughed as she turned her attention solely on Chaewon.

Throughout the night Y/n was flirting with Chaewon, and Chaewon was responding positively. Yet being the good friend she is, Yunjin kept Y/n in check and made sure she didn't cross any boundaries once she became sober, making her more aware of Y/n's actions.

Y/n was sat next to Chaewon, having a conversation with her when Yunjin noticed Y/n's phone ringing.

Yet as Y/n was too focussed on her conversation with Chaewon, Yunjin picked up Y/n's phone to see Y/n's older sister calling.

Yunjin cleared her throat before answering the phone politely.


- Written By Dest1iny

this is crazy

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