Episode 4

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Ring ! Ring !

Y/N's POV:

That's my alarm's phone waking me up at 08:00am. David told me to set one in order to be ready like everyone if I didn't want my phone to be taken away.

I wake up, do my things and follow everyone toward the mess hall to take my breakfast. I sat at a table with a plate waiting to be served. My legs start to swung as I feel eyes on me. Dang, I really can't prevent myself doing that. As the chief served me I notice Harrison through the windows right in front of my table and smile at me, he smiles back and enter the hall joining me with a plate. I wasn't stressing anymore, phew.

"Hi Harrison." I greeted him, he greeted me back and as he's being served we started chatting.

"You know, luckuly you signed it now and not before in that Camp 'cause the food was INSANE. But now that's delicious. It's probably because David hired another chief."

"Oh, what were you eating before ?"

"I'm not even sure, actually."

"That's...not reassuring."

"Not at all but whatever, what are you planning today ?"

"Today. I don't know what are you suggesting ?"

"Nothing I was just wondering and David already planned something for everyone anyway, he'll tell us during breakfast."

"Is his planning good ?"

"Sometimes no, sometimes yes, it depends but during the weekends he goes cool with us."

"Is Friday part of the weekend ?"

"Yes." He nods.

We kept chatting, suddenly the counselors entered the mess hall with a big board and started explaining the planning for today. But they were to much noises so Gwen, the other counselor shouted at everyone to shut it (in a more violent manner though) and the whole room went silent.

"Thanks Gwen" thanked David.

"As always." She responded, boasting herself.

"Hello kids, today's planning should be 'cool' as always but I'm afraid it will be different this time."

*Complaining peoples noise*

"Well, so this morning instead of cleaning the mess hall you'll clean your tent, then at 09:30am instead of painting and doing crafts we'll give out flyers to as much inhabitants as we can to the village nearby during a length of two hours, at 11:30am forget about the rest of the activities, instead we'll sell food and drinks in another city's street and then we'll clean up a part of the forest area. Fine, questions ? No ? See you later then !" He said before leaving the mess hall with Gwen. 


The campers went silent during a moment then a voice raised.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT HECKING PLANNING !?" shouts Max. The other campers followed him right after, making a hubbub in the whole room. Then he climbed on a table.

"Listen here, Campers. He did not just ruined our beginning of the weekend but also our cozy planning !" 

Everyone is agreeing with him. Then Neil  spoke too.

"According to the planning, the activities have several resemblance with the Flowers scouts one and that could mean only one thing...David is trying to gain money and he's using us again !"

"Dang, he's acting like a real jerk, using peoples to get what he wants." Said Max.

"That's exactly you."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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