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Annalise's POV

What does this boy have in mind for tonight?

He drove to an empty space and I noticed no one was here. I started to feel uneasy and I'm sure Quavo had noticed.

"Calm down baby girl. Relax. Nothing bad is going to happen." He said. That still didn't calm my nerves.

The movie started and I kept fiddling with my hands.

" So one day, while in school, a fight broke out between a girl name Annalise and Rashida. A superhero named Quavious stepped in and saved the day. " The screen said and Quavo's head cut out on top of a superhero costume. I started to laugh.

" He swooped in and grabbed Annalise off of the girl and brought her out in the hallway to calm her down." It continued to say. I was literally crying.

" 'Are you calm young beautiful citizen?' Said Quavious in his deep voice." My stomach was hurting.

" 'I'm fine. Thanks to you. You're my hero.' And then Quavious and Annalise shared a passionate kiss.'" I started to blush a deep red. The end credits came on and I looked at Quavo. He was already looking at me.

"Aww. Quavo that was-" He cut me off by putting his finger to his lips.

"It's not done yet. Look." The movie came back on. The words " Will You Be My Girlfriend? My Ride Or Die, My Shoota, My Diary, My Everything ?" My face couldn't have gotten even more red. Then the movie ended.

"So would you?" I faced him and nodded uncontrollably.

"Of course." He pulled me in close and we shared kiss and then Quavo honked the horn twice. All of a sudden, fire works started going off, and to say that I was scared was an understatement.
It was 9:55 when I got home. Quavo had walked me to the door, hand in hand.

"I had a.. wonderful time tonight. Thank you.. boyfriend." I said.

"It's my pleasure... girlfriend." I laughed and shook my head.

"Well I better get inside before my dad have a fit." But I didn't let go off his hand.

"Okay. Good night." He didn't let go either. We looked into each other's eyes and then I felt his lips on mine. It was with a lot of passion and love.

"I'll text you later." He said, after we pulled away. I nodded and opened the door. I waved to him and closed the door. There sat my dad on the stairs with a Pistol in his hand. What the actual fuck?

"You are so lucky that's it's 9:59. So how was your night?" He said as he tucked the gun in his waistband. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"It was so good. We made it official." I said, smiling like a little girl.

"Aww. My baby got her first boyfriend." He said, coming up and hugging me. Now I rolled my eyes.

"Roll then eyes again and watch them be looking at you crazy." He said still hugging me. I got out of his grip.

"Whatever dad. Good night." I kissed his cheek and ran up the stairs and into my room. I took off my clothes and put on my dads white shirt and some shorts. My phone vibrated indicating that I had a text. I looked at it and it was front my boyfriend.

-Good night baby. Hope you dream of me 🌺💞❤️🌸💖

I smiled and put it on my charger and I was out like a light.

JUST A FILLER CHAPTER. Had To Write Something For You Guys. Plus I Don't Have School Tomorrow So..

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