a 10 years old boy name Ryan have a power of creation and destruction.he's parents abandon him when he is 5 because he doesn't have any power Until Ryan discover he's power when he is 10 years old and encounter with the union what will he do?
in space there's a boy is Sitting on the floating rock as he look at the destruction he had cause.
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Ryan: hm beautiful
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Ryan is Sitting and relax as he look at the hole in the mars that he has destroyed.
Ryan: well (stand up) i think that will be it
Before he fly away he sense Something from the earth
Ryan teleport to the earth as he sense something from down there
Ryan: i wonder what's going on down there
As Ryan teleport to earth as he see a school where there's many student but different
Ryan: ooh~ this is gonna be interesting
Ryan look closely as he try to look for information.after a second he now know that this school is called Union where they teach all the students with power to become Hero
Ryan: Hero huh? kids dreams as always. Althought im not like that
Ryan is different in any other kids. he is not interested to become a hero or villain he wish to do everything he want because with the power he have is creation and destruction and he will do what he wish to do with no drawback and no limits.
Ryan:im gonna suprise them!
after that he left and he will come back when there's an opportunity to show up
inside the union school
In the office. the headmaster and the teachers is on a meeting Until they feel something powerful
Sirzechs: do you feel that?
Azazel: yeah is there a strongest student in this school?
Nezu: i don't know
Ozpin:is seriously far more different than anything like i can't imagine it
All might: who will this person be?
Najenda:no clue
Ironwood: who ever this person be we need to know who he is im curious what power he have?
Raven: hm
Summer rose:i wonder who's this person might be?
Hanzo:we don't know if he's an enemy or allies we should meet this person
as they all nod feeling interesting for Ryan's power even they think that they want him to join the union.