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After the battle end with the Villans ozpin offer Ryan to join union but Ryan is counfoused by it. Because he does not wish to be a hero he just want to do something for free on he's own. Now here is ozpin offering Ryan to stay in union. The other headmasters agree because seeing what Ryan can do they are interested. Now Ryan is thinking as he turn around and looking at the riders and the rest of he's companoin.

Ryan: (going to a boring school again. Homework yet mental abuse)

Ryan then look at ozpin

Ryan: i don't wanna go to union

Ozpin: why not!?

Ryan: as much as i hate school no. Is too annoying too much homework

All might: don't you wanna be a hero?

Ryan: no and who say im a Hero? i do things on my own so yeah no

Some headmasters try to think a better offering so they can make him join union. Until ironwood step forward.

Ironwood: listen young man if you keep continue showing off your powers like This without a license. Then you are under arrest

Ryan then begin to not like that as he getting piss off at ironwood.

Ryan: oh?

Sirzechs: you don't look like you have a choice so come quitely

Azazel: don't try to fight now

Ryan then make he's companoin dissapeard

Ryan: if you wanna do that

Ryan give a deadly look at them and all unions students and headmasters scared as they look at he's deadly eyes as if they provoke him. Some students and headmasters shaking in fear don't know what Ryan would do. Until he float and look down at them.

Ryan: try me fool

As everyone get ready to fight. Ryan make a huge explosion and send them all fly away. Issei Transform try to attack Ryan but issei getting push with a force as he crash into the wall.

Rias: issei!

Ruby: did we make him mad!?

Kirishima: blame mr ironwood for it!

Kaminari: what kind of quirk is that!?

Izuku: is very powerful!

all might try to attack as he get kick by Ryan and make him crash into three mountain. Now Ryan will be facing off all unions.

Ryan:come forward heroes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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