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The fight start. As all the riders,dark knights rush at the Villains.G4 using he's weapons fire at the grims and ryuga summon he's dragon.orga slash all in a line of enemy with he's sword.glaive run fast slash each one by one.kabuki smashing their heads. Caucasus clock up and kicking, punching all the Villains flying while arc is kicking them all with he's Giant foot and skull is defeating them all easly as he fix he's hat.

Nomu and the other grims is having a very hard time fighting the dark knights as red death keep running while killing all an instant. Batman the murder machine fire he's laser and turn all grims into ashes and Batman the dawn breaker summon a thousand weapons killing them all. And for all the dark knight killing all the grims Batman who laught walk towards nomu. Nomu try to attack but Batman who laught Dodge as he rip off nomu's head and laught at it.

Shigaraki: no! How is this possible!?

All the remaining Villans try to run away but getting punch by mr x and nemesis while the knight is done with the rest of the grims. All its left just shigaraki.

Shigaraki: damn it! Damn it!

Shigaraki then look at Ryan.

Shigaraki: you

Shigaraki then rush at ryan

Shigaraki: your life end here boy!?

As he try to touch Ryan arc kick he's face send him away. Then nemesis punch Shigaraki head and crush him to the ground.

Shigaraki: argh!!!

Shigaraki then try to get up but Batman who laught tied him in chains.

Shigaraki: you think this chain will hold me!?

Shigaraki try to use he's quirk but nothing seems to work at all.

Shigaraki: what!? Why won't my quirk work!!?

Batman who laught starting laughting as the riders ready their final move to end shigaraki.

Shigaraki: what are you doing!?

As all riders make their finished move all of them rush at shigaraki.

Shigaraki: NO!!

Then everything explode as all the riders gathering around Ryan same with the rest of the dark knights.

Ryan: that will show you

The smoke clear revealed nothing but ashes as shigaraki is no more. All the union and the headmasters is shock, disbelief and Awe.

Ruby: he did it! That was so amazing!

Jaune: wow

Issei: nice one!

Sona: impresive

Izuku: wow!

All the student is in awe as and some of them are shock.

Ryan: well time for me to leave

Before ryan walk away.

Ozpin: wait a moment Ryan

Ozpin call ryan as Ryan turn around with the rest of the riders and dark knights.

Ozpin: i gotta say that was impresive how did you learn to do all this?

Ryan: sorry but is my concern alone

Ozpin: oh i see then

Ozpin then begin to walk towards Ryan as he stop and say.

Ozpin: would you like to join union?


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