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Here Mr. Kim got call from Mr. Kang

It's OK Mr. Kang we can postpone marriage for 1 month Mr. Kim said on phone
Why honey what happened Mrs Kim asked with confused face

Actually kangs forget to check wedding invitations and they send them all their relatives and invitations have printing mistake in which marriage is on 3 July not on 3 June so they requested to postpone marriage and tae and Minah can also spend some time together and also we did't send invitations. Mr Kim explaining all problem where Mrs Kim nodded her head in agreement
Jimin please tell this to tae Mrs Kim said seeing jimin standing near them sure uncle

Jimin went to his room and call taehyung
Tae it seems like your plan is failed cause your marriage is postone to next month jimin said with concern

What ,jimin how is possible,how can my plan failed taehyung shouted
Tae calm down we will find any other way jimim try to comfort taehyung


How's your date baby Mr. Kang and you smile it's good appa I  enjoyed alot you said and go to your room

Here you enter in your room and saw a big box on bed with a note

Here you enter in your room and saw a big box on bed with a note

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Wear it tomorrow on our
engagement love.❤❤
–your jungkook

Then you opened box and saw a beautiful gown with a pair of heals ,placing it in your wardrobe you did your night care and went to  bed and lay down
"Taehyung why are you not leaving my mind even today I enjoyed but I missed you " Thinking about taehyung you drifted to your sleep


Here taehyung is in basement beating a person mercilessly, everyone is so scared even jimin is feard of this taehyung

Tae stop or he will die we will not able to get any information jimin said trying to stop him but he is so angry this time.

Taehyung it's nothing just wait for one month you can get her jimin said and Taehyungs glare at him it's nothing didn't you see her pictures with that fucking jungkook, it's just one day I  left her now she is going engaged tomorrow taehyung shouted with whole anger and everything become silent even jimin not uttered a single word.
Tae come with me saying this jimin take him to his bedroom

Listen the you know she already fall for you as Minah said and now you have to  wait and bear their closeness cause now you have to  make a good image in front of her, be her hero jimin said trying to calm him down

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