I Really Don't Care

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I had a terrible writer's block so I'll just do a short time skip.

*Time skip 1 week later*

I woke up extra early today cause I just felt like it. And the Asa thing last week, I let it pass behind me. I'm sure it was nothing.

Also Asa and I have been really really close now. He keeps on coming to the house, like everyday. And he doesn't have his stuttering moments with my parents anymore.

He also always eats dinner with us now. He also grew close to Griffin, my brother. They usually talk about NASCAR racing cause my brother is a proffesional NASCAR driver. Surprisingly, Asa does have knowledge about racecare driving.

He usually is going home at 11:30 pm. Yep. That's how close he is to my family even if we kinda aren't dating. I grew to like him just a bit.

It was about 7:00 when I went out the gate.

I just walked to the school since it was just so so so near.

When I get there, I see Asa in the parking lot, chilling at his car's hood.

Wow, he's really early.

"Someone's early today." I say to him once I was near him. He didn't know my presence so he was kinda startled.

"Oh, it's just you." He says relieved.

I laughed.

"Sorry to startle you." I apologize, sitting on the hood too.

"It's okay." He says, laughing at himself.

"I could ask the same thing with you. Why so early, Steinfeld?" He asks.

I shrug, "Don't know, just felt like it. Nothing big."

He just nods and I push him slightly with my shoulders.

"You didn't answer me earlier. Why so early too, Butterfield?" I ask him back.

He does his signature smirk, "So we're at last names, huh Steinfeld?"

I copy his smirk, "Sounds like it Butterfield."

He chuckled, "Well, I do this everyday. I come to school at 6:30 actually, then pick you up at about 7:30."

What? No. This is unbelievable.

"What? Really? You're kidding right?"

"No. I just do." He says carelessly.

"Okay." I just shrug. But deep down, I didn't believe him.

Impossible. He can't wake up that early.

I mean, I usually still sleep at that hour.

We we're hanging around for awhile. Just enjoying the morning.

When it was about 7:30 we decided to go to homeroom.

After, we had different subjects so we had to part ways.

"Wait, what's your first period, again?" He asks.

"Okay first of all, please don't say period again. The word's awkward with you now," I start and he nods apologetically.

"and second, it's Chemistry." I continue.

"Oh okay. Mine's Math. I'll see you?" He asks.

"I'll see you." I confirm. He kisses my cheek then we parted ways.

I forgot that we we're in the middle of the halls, so we had to be in cover.

As I turned around, my hand crept it's way towards my cheek, where he kissed it, unconsciously.

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