- o n e s h o t -

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(Not a Yandere fic. Pardon my grammatical errors.)

He was watching you.

The day you first met him, the day you first met his dark brown orbs that were full of life, the day he smiled at you as if he was that happy to see you.

You never knew it but, he was always looking at you with love filled eyes even before you met him. He was just too shy to confess to you. Yes, it may be out of his character to be timid but, seeing you smile makes his heart skip a beat.

And so after weeks of just staring at you from afar, he finally had the courage to introduce himself.

"Yo, my name is Hideyoshi Nagachika. But you can call me Hide. Nice to meet you!" He genuinely smiled.

He was watching you.

The way you look at him with those pretty (e/c) eyes. It was filled of confusion. He held out his hand, the smile still plastered on his face.

You hesitated to take it at first. But as you look at him, you knew that he wasn't a bad guy. And so you smiled and introduced yourself as you shook his hand timidly.

"[Name].. that's a nice name." He tilted his head as he grins.

He was watching you.

The way you smile at him everytime he cracks a silly joke, everytime you laugh along with him.

He loves that smile of yours. Its what makes him fall for you even more. He loves it especially when it's for him, especially when you smile because of him.

"Keep smiling, you'll look even more prettier." He smiled.

He was watching you.

The way you blush everytime he looks at you straight in the eyes. The way your cheeks burn everytime he compliments you. You can't help but feel the butterflies in your stomach everytime he says how beautiful you are inside and out.

"I'm not joking. You really look so beautiful, [Name]."

He was watching you.

The way you bite your lip, the way your fingers fiddle with each other, the way you avoid his gaze.

He finds it cute though. Seeing you all embarassed and flushed just because of him. It makes him fall even harder.

But what made his heart flatter were your next words. His cheeks grew red, but not to the point that he already looks like a tomato. The thing is, his blush is barely noticeable, and he's so glad about that.

He grinned, "I like you too, [Name]-chan."

He was watching you.

The way your face turn a million times redder than before, the way your face flush everytime he intertwines his fingers with yours.

He pulled it up together with your hands, his brown orbs never leaving your (e/c) ones as he peckes the top of your hand gently and lovingly.

"I love you so much, [Name]-chan."

He was watching you.

As you look into his eyes, your cheeks flushed as you watch him inch closer towards you.

Your heart was beating rapidly as you realized that your faces were dangerously close to each other's. You closed your eyes the moment you felt his lips smashing agaisnt yours.

It was very gentle at first but in a flash, he was already kissing you roughly yet passionately. And you find yourself enjoying it.

He pulled away slowly, his eyes were half closed. It was different from usual though, it was filled with want, lust and desire. "Make love with me, [Name]-chan." He whispered.

He was watching you.

The way you smile in your sleep. The way you mumble his name even in your slumber. He can't help but smile, too.

Both of your bodies were just covered with one sheet. He giggled to what happened just last night. He never imagined that the girl he had always wanted to be with is now laying beside him in the same bed. He looked at you and gently pecked your nose, carefully not trying to awake you.

He smiled, "I love you so much."

He was watching you.

The way you distance youself to him. The way you look at him with cold eyes.

He doesn't know what happened, himself. You started avoiding him days after you shared the night with him. He watched as you turn your back towards him. He sighed deeply.

He grabbed your arm and spun you around, forcing you to face him. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were formed into a thin line.

"What's wrong with you?"

He was watching you.

As you look down the floor, obviously avoding his piercing brown eyes.

He sighed, wanting to ask you why. Why you would want to end your relationship, why would you want to leave him, why you want it all to end. But he kept his mouth closed. That is because he knew the very reason why.

"I understand." He said, still wearing a smile. A smile that is obviously fake. A smile that broke your heart into a million pieces.

He was watching you.

The way you fight your heart out. The way you gritted your teeth and wince in pain. The way you handle your kagune, the way you stare at the enemy with your kakugan.

He watched through his binoculars, his worry were successfully masked up in a smile.

"Should've told me sooner, [Name]-chan."

He was watching you.

The way you widen your eyes in shock. The way your mouth were slightly agaped. He watched you as you ran towards him, tears were spilling in both of your eyes.

He wiped it though, using his thumb. His eyes never leaving yours.

"Let's go home." He whispered though barely audible.

He watched as you cry your heart out. His vision were starting to blur, he could barely see you. But he smiled. He was still smiling even in death.


You walked in a rather slow pace. Your thoughts were filled with him and only him. You bit your lip to stop the tears that were threatning to fall. A sigh escaped from your lips.

Now that he's gone and no more. Now that you can't see his smile anymore. You can't help but wonder,

Is he still watching you?


I do not have any idea what I just wrote. All I know is, HIDEYOSHI NAGACHICKA DID NOTHING WRONG.

But seriously, I still can't get over tg root A's finale. If only they based the second season to the manga then maybe, just maybe, Hide is still alive.

But now, Hide's gone. Hidead.



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