Chapter 1

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Time skip to about 2 months later~

Eventually, Jean came to call these strangers "friends". There was Eren; even though he was more of an enemy than a friend, Armin, who Jean came to realize was a boy and not a girl, and Mikasa, the prettiest girl around, according to Jean.

Eren had introduced some other people to Jean as well.Connie,who was a bald wierdo, Sasha, the girl that could probably eat the whole lunch room, Reiner, who's name sounded wayyyy to close to reindeer, and Bertholdt, the sweaty giant.

They all sat at a round lunch table, talking,cracking jokes, and watching in horror as Sasha demolished tray after tray of baked potatoes.

"Hey, did you guys hear? We're supposed to have a new kid in our class!" Armin said.

"Really?!Holy crap! Is it a hot chick?" Connie said, turning away from Sasha's tray mountain.

"Nah,from what I heard, it's supposed to be some guy." Jean replied, killing Connie's hopes.

For some reason, Jean felt anxious.Like, something was going to happen tomorrow and he couldn't figure out what.He felt his food churn in his stomach,

and the more he looked at his food, the more sick he felt.

"Yo, Horseface, you okay? You look kinda pale."Eren said, slight concern in his voice.They may seem like enemies but Eren still cared for his friend.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Jean replied,even though he and Eren both knew it was a lie.He knew Eren could see right through him.

Just then the bell rang and teens started filing out the cafeteria.Jean grabbed his lunch tray and stood up when he felt something grab his arm.It was Eren and he looked Jean dead in the eyes.

"Jean, if anything's bothering you, just tell me."

Jean nodded,his face solemn.Jean dumped his tray and grabbed his backpack and walked out the cafeteria.Jean walked all the way to the nurse's office and asked if he could go home because he felt ill.

"You kids," She said as she wrote the pass"You always wanna go home.Just play hokey next time." Jean thanked her and went to grab his stuff.

As he sat in the office, he saw his mother's black bmw pull up.He walked out the school doors and got in the car.

"Jean, are you running a fever? We could buy some soup or-"

Jean chuckled, "I think I just need to rest."

"Okay, but if anything happens, tell me, okay?"

Jean laughed at his mother's overprotectivness,"Okay mom."

As soon as they reached back at his house, Jean's mom ordered Jean take a nap.Jean walked up the stairs to get to his room and let out relieved sigh as he saw the sight of his messy bedroom.He dropped his bookbag on the floor and stripped down to his boxers and wifebeater.He flopped down on his bed and sighed into his pillow.He snuggled into his silk sheets and started to drift off to sleep.Just before he fell into a deep sleep, he thought,'Hopefully tomorrow will be better and this feeling will go away'.

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