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baylen, peej, kyle and dizzy come sit on the couch with us and dizzy sits on the other side of me and i was confused

"what do you want dylan go sit somewhere else"

"y/n come follow me" he says grabbing my hand and bringing me to the guest bedroom in our house

"i wonder what they are doing" tj says from the living room

"probably killing each other they cannot be along in a room together" i heard peej say

as dizzy and i walked into the gues bedroom we sat on the bed together

"what do you want dylan"

"y/n i wanted to do this" he said as he kissed me

he got off the bed. i was so confused why he kissed me. but we just walked back into the living room like nothing happened and i was still so confused.

as i walked back into the living room i sat next to baylen and put my head on his shoulder. i don't usually do that to him so he knew something was up

"whats wrong y/n? did dizzy hurt you or something?" he whispered to me

"no he didnt hurt me im just confused" i said as i got my head up from baylens shoulder

"well then what happened"

"ill tell you later baylen"

i saw dizzy staring at me from where he was sitting and we got texts from the group chat

peej 🥸: guys.. i think dizzy is blushing at y/n 🫣
kyle 😎: yep
dizzy 🫠: no i am not i hate her
baylen 💗: yep y/n is definitely blushing over here
y/n: guys no im not i hate him
TJ 🫶🏻: yep i know my best friend and she's definitely blushing
y/n: you guys really think i have a crush on dizzy? youre funny
dizzy 🫠: shes right i wouldnt have a crush on her either
baylen 💗: you're literally my sister ik when you like someone
y/n: whatever

dizzy looks at me as i look at my phone and he texted me privately

dizzy 🫠:
hey y/n im bored here lets go do something
alright i guess ill go with you
ok meet me in my car

i went upstairs to grab my tote bag with my wallet and keys and stuff like that in it. i went outside with and saw dizzy waiting for me

"woah woah woah where are you going" baylen said

"ill be right back baylen"

enemies to lovers - dizzy dyl x readerWhere stories live. Discover now