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we walked inside and tj came to the door to see us

"looks like you two had a fun day!"

"yea we did! we went to target and messed around then starbucks" i said to him

dizzy walked over to the couch as i tried to follow him before tj told me to follow him into his room. we walked upstairs and he told me to sit down

"whats up?" i said to him

"y/n, i thought you hated dizzy?"

"ok i mightve, but i realized hes actually a super sweet guy and nicer then i thought he was!"

"im so happy you guys finally made up!" tj said to me as we went back downstairs

i saw dizzy posted somthing on his instagram

liked by: baylenlevine, lilpeej and othersdizzydyl: my girl 🩷🫶🏻               photo creds - @y/nlevine :))comments:baylenlevine: YOU GUYS MADE UP??|dizzydyl: yep :)lilpeej: HOLD ON I THINK I MISSED A CHAPTER*view more*

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liked by: baylenlevine, lilpeej and others
dizzydyl: my girl 🩷🫶🏻              
photo creds - @y/nlevine :))
baylenlevine: YOU GUYS MADE UP??
dizzydyl: yep :)
*view more*

oh my god. dizzy posted that on his instagram. i really like him. hes the nicest person ever and im so mad at myself for hating him for such a long time. i mean hes so sweet and never done anything to anyone, im so glad we made up

i got up to go get my phone charger from my bedroom

"where are you going" dizzy asked from the kitchen since he was editing a video for his youtube

"just getting my charger"

dizzy got up and ran upstairs for some reason

"dizzy what are you doing?"

"come sit down next to me y/n" he said to me as he sat on my bed

"y/n, i really really like you and ive had one of the best days ever with you today, im so glad we made up"

"i had such a fun time with you to dizzy! and to be honest with you, i really like you to."

we just sat in silence for a second as he gave me a hug

i've never got hugged from dizzy and im so mad, his hugs are so nice and he hugs for a while not some short hug they are good

"hey y/n i know you may not say yes to this but do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"oh my gosh of course"

he cut me off with a kiss

i can't believe this is actually happening.

"wait y/n we should see how long it takes for the others to notice"

"yes lets to that" i said laughing with him

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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