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as i got in the car with dizzy he started playing his playlist from spotify and was singing to it

"y/n want to go to starbucks?"


"you know y/n, i may not hate you, and i never have i have always been a jerk to you like my entire life and im so sorry"

i felt like butterflies in my stomach, and didnt know what to say

"oh im sorry to dylan. i never really hated you either"

it got quiet in the car as i looked out the window thinking to myself what just happened

"wait y/n do you want to go mess around at target before we go to starbucks?"


*time skip as we got to target*

dizzy doesnt have his camera so we hopefully wont get kicked out

"cmon y/n lets connect to speakers" he whispered to me

we walked over to the speaker section and dizzy connected his phone to the speakers and started playing pirate calls

a worker went to unplug the speakers so i watched dizzy go back and plug it back in and played more sounds. but this time the workers saw him and had to kick him out of the store and saw me run up to dizzy

"leave the store now you two" the worker yelled at us and started walking us out

they didnt call the cops but left us off with a warning not to come back in there

dizzy and i walked back to the car and drove to starbucks

"hey y/n what do you want?"

"venti strawberry refresher with extra strawberrys" i said to him with a smile

as i went to grab my wallet he looked at me and grabbed my wallet out of my hand

"hey! what are you doing?" i said to him

"well i cant let my girl pay, ill pay for you" he said smiling

my girl? do i really have a crush on dizzy? i thought to myself. hes so sweet and i dont know why i ever hated him

we pulled up to the window and apparently wanted the same drink. we got our drinks and i thanked him

"anything for you y/n" he said to me

i can't believe this is actually happening. how did i go from hating him to now being best friends with him?

*time skip to when you guys got back to your house*

enemies to lovers - dizzy dyl x readerWhere stories live. Discover now