Chapter Sixteen. Glow Buzz

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Year E3029

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Year E3029


Fin eyed me as he tightened his grip on Becca. He watched as I disappeared into the kitchen area. A blue safforian server rushed by me with her dress ripped around the shoulder. Her expression told me to stop, but Wyatt was probably in the middle of a disaster.

Rounding a corner, I see Wyatt pinned against the wall with two Men Of Suits fishing in his pockets. They pulled out a pocket blade, throwing it behind them without looking. The round gold ball rolled to me as I walked forward, picking it up. My fingers gripped the metal, pushing the button.

"Hey, someone in the dining area is attacking people!" I yelled, causing all three of them to look at me.

They loosened their grip on Wyatt, lowering his feet to the ground. With a wink at Wyatt, I bowled the pocket blade and ran. I kicked a table to the side, ducking behind it. Wyatt jumped over, landing next to me as the weapon exploded.

Loud thuds shook the table for a split second as the sharp point of a knife broke through the table, inches from Wyatt's eye.

He widened his expression, leaning away. "Where have you been?"

"You know, saving your life," I replied, peeking over the wood board. Small throwing knives stuck out of the table, scattering around the kitchen area.

A scream escaped one of the stiff's mouths. "You bitch!" He eyed me, pulling a knife from his shoulder, then from his hand. "You will pay for that."

The other MOS stepped out from a closet with his gun, aiming it at us. "Don't move."

Wyatt put his hands in the air immediately while I rolled my eyes. He glanced at me as he wiggled his fingers, then closed them to a fist.

"Would you be a kind sir and dance with me?" I asked Wyatt.

"Only if you let me lead," he replied, making both stiffs step forward.

"Shut up," the one with the gun said. "Get on your knees."

I smirked at the guy holding his shoulder. Blood pooled around his tight fingers as he mumbled stuff under his breath. His eyes met mine while he glared.

"The bitch is mine," he said, stepping forward.

Wyatt gripped my hips as I quickly placed my hands on his shoulders. He lifted me while I kicked backward, nailing the guy in the face. The MOS stumbled, grunting out in pain.

"To the left," Wyatt said as I kicked again but hit nothing. "My left, your right."

"Ugh," I let out, rolling my eyes. I spun around, slapping the gun from the guy.

"Bad, nasty dog," I said before Wyatt slugged him, knocking him out cold.

Wyatt grabbed my arm, pulling me past two servers hiding in a corner. We ran to the back door, opening it up into an alleyway. The dark wind blew around, freezing my bare legs. My feet touched the rock road, pricking my skin with pain.

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