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Sun and Moon were stunned into momentary silence, staring in shock at the girl before them as she skipped her way towards the two lanky animatronics.
Her red dress fluttered and flicked with each jump and hop, and she wore a childishly happy grin on her face, her dark eyes shimmering with recognition.

Without any hesitation, she made a beeline towards them and gave them a hug; even now, the little one only reached up to Sun and Moon's knees. Then again, the animatronic duo were tall enough to tower over her and almost reach the top of the school gates!
Sun knelt down and gave Suzie a hug, Moon doing the same when she turned her attention to him.

Then she spoke.

"What are you two doing here?" she asked in a curious tone.
"Well, little one, Moony and I are on our way to the daycare! It's taking a while to walk, but that's ok! nothing we can't handle!" Sun declared jovially.
"Huh? I thought you both lived there" Suzie mused, tilting her head like a curious puppy.
Both the question and the action she took to show her confusion was outright adorable, making both Sun and Moon chuckle softly.
"No, no, Suzie" Moon corrected gently, "we live in a house not too far from here, we're only in the daycare to look after the young ones."

"Oh!" she peeped in understanding, her smile returning once again.
Giving a little hop once more, she excitedly chatted to her two former guardians, asking about the daycare, the kids there, the parties, anything and everything she could think of about the place she used to attend as a small child. Even smaller than she presently was.
She was so excited to find out about the other kids under Sun and Moon's care, as well as how the other animatronics were doing in the pizzaplex! each piece of information was so wonderful and new, even leading to a squeal of joy when she found out that there was a new member of the Fazbear family; DJ Music Man, the colossal multi-limbed animatronic with a love for music and parties.

Sunny talked with her happily, Moon doing the same though every few seconds he'd check the 'clock' that was in the left hand corner of his vision, his sight continuously scanning and sorting out data stored in his processors.
He turned back to tell Sunny they ought to get a move on, only to see both he and Suzie -or as she was called by the kids and teachers at school, Playtime- totally engrossed in a game of two-man jump rope.
The rope looped and swooped over the two and connected the ground with a satisfying 'smack!' on the pavement each time they both completed a jump together, the pair of them looking like they were enjoying themselves.

"Sun..." Moon sighed at long last, seeing both Playtime and Sun look up at him with befuddled expressions.
"I hate to break this up, I know it's been nice to see Suzie again, but time is going on. The managers aren't going to be pleased with us if we're late, so I suggest we make a move" he told his brother.

The sunshine animatronic pouted in response, letting out a deflated "aaaw!"
Much to his chagrin, Moon was right.
He didn't want to get in trouble, that was the last thing he wanted for himself or his brother!
Anyways, Suzie had school starting in a minute or so, and he'd hate to get her in trouble with her teachers for defiance or lateness as well!

"Do you have to go?" Playtime asked, her black eyes starting to shine and brim with tears as she hoped for the opposite to be true.
She held the jump-rope in one hand and caught onto Sun's mechanical hand with her free one, giving the tall animatronic a pleading look of 'don't go...please don't go'.
Moon was standing to the side, looking anxious; whether it was because of the time being taken up by this interaction or the fact that they have to leave the little one, Playtime couldn't be sure.

Sundrop's shoulders slumped and he let out a defeated sigh, his golden eyes taking on a more solemn appearance, though he still had a faint smile on his faceplate in a feeble attempt to not discourage or sadden the girl.

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