Spring Has Sprung

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"I can't believe you put yourself in danger like this," Yamato was almost hyperventilating and it looked like he was going to sprout tree branches soon out of sheer exasperation, the tips of his hair looked woodified, "and Genma in the hospital! It's reckless, foolhardy, irresponsible,..."

"All those words mean exactly the same," Kakashi cut him off. "I get what you want to say, you can stop."

By the gods, he was tired. His head felt like it was filled with water that sloshed pointlessly from side to side when he moved. Two meetings down. Thirteen to go - and why did the breaks in between get shorter and shorter, leaving him hardly any time to do paperwork during normal working hours?

"I do wonder why I have to put up with your yapping," Kakashi let himself fall into his chair, grabbing the cup of coffee before him with both hands like it was a lifeline. "You'd think a Hokage would be venerated by everyone instead of ceaselessly criticized. I don't remember you talking to Tsunade like this."

"Tsunade-sama was very scary," Yamato admitted. An honest answer but not a very smart one.

"And I'm not?"

"No. With you, I speak my mind."

That did it. There was a limit to the extent his buttons could be pressed with no consequences and that limit was reached. Especially when he was already irritated as hell because of a certain dog. "Then Iet me be more like her. You're fired, Tenzo."

Everyone standing in his office gasped in unison.

"I assume you mean well, Tenzo," Kakashi continued unfazed. "But I cannot tolerate that you make it sound like I'm some rash fool who acts without thinking. Not once in my entire life have I done that. Those who have no faith in me might as well go work elsewhere. Our economy is booming, you won't have an issue finding a new job."

"Senpai," Yamato made a few hasty steps forward, hands outstretched pleadingly, "please don't do this. I have nothing else."

"I can take over from him," Sai also took a step forward and bowed politely, "Senpai. It would be an honor."

Yamato looked at him aghast like he had dropped down from another star to declare war on the shinobi world.

"I need you in Anbu, Sai," Kakashi didn't like to say it, but it was the truth. "In fact, I will promote you to Commander."

Today was the day everyone gasped apparently. Let them. That position had been empty since the death of the previous Commander, now it was to be filled again. Sai was the one best suited, especially after acquiring some tentative human-like social skills. Kakashi would have to deal with Ino's wrath but he could manage that.

"Shikamaru will return soon," Kakashi emptied his coffee cup and set it down resolutely. "He doesn't bother to lecture me, which is exactly what I need. Let's put out a notice: I'm looking for one or two additional assistants."

"Hokage-sama," Shizune piped up, "if I may."

"I know what you want to say," Kakashi shook his head, "but my decision is final. Tenzo is no longer employed as the Hokage's advisor."

He got up.

"I'm going to see Ibiki now. I'll be back in time for the next meeting." Who was next on the list? Ah, some neighborhood association of the elderly who had a complaint about a new restaurant that opened late and was too noisy for them. "If not, give them our most expensive tea and chat with them until I am."

As expected, Yamato followed after him like a flustered, sad mother hen, almost tripping on the stairs in his haste to match his steps with Kakashi's. "Senpai, if you mistook my honest concern for disrespect, I am very, very sorry, but I..."

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