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I just need to clarify somethings,
Abilene, Adaline, and Burney all play soccer, then Leah is the medic sort of like misty but without the fan girl personality.



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- Episode One -
-Episode Two-
-Abilene and Natalie-

The excessive amount of conversations and back and forth with her and her mother made Abilene believe she was for sure heading to an early grave. Her mother was nagging, leaching onto every possiblity that could happen in result of being away from her. Abilene pleaded to all God's that her mom would suddenly leave her alone and start becoming a parasite towards Adaline, finally.

Instead, Abilene was sat in the front of her mom's car. The famously ginger women was chatting everyone's head off, talking excessively about how she was so thrilled her daughter made it to Nations, Abilene tried to point out that their was two of them. That the women infact had two daughter's attending Nations but the older women wasn't having any of it.

Sighing, Abilene finally gave up. She relaxed back into her seat, rolling down her widow and letting the cruel wind to frizz up her hair. The second the car came to a holt, jolting forward when Abilene's and Adaline's mom's car came to holt both girls stopped and immediately ran out of the car. Abilene didn't stop when she heard her mom call out, neither did Adaline.

"Fucking bitch." Adaline mumbled, pulling her bags further up her shoulder before leaving too. Abilene hummed, not really having an opinion on their mother, atleast one that she'd vocalise.

"Bye then"

They finally managed to make it on the plane, Lottie's and Leah's dear o'l daddy buying a private plane just for them. It was nice enough, a bit scary. Abilene hated planes, being truthful she was scared of heights to no limit.

She immediately began to search for a three seated row. Hoping to sit next to Burney and Leah. However, glancing around the seats Burney was already sat next to Van, already enriched in a assumingly worthy conversation with the goalie. Abilene smiled to herself, pretty sure with what she knew what was going on; Vanessa Palmer and Burney Willaims getting sweet with each other.

Instead of finding a seat for three, she chose a comfortable seat at the front of the plane next to the booth for the pilotes. She thought I'd bring her some comfort knowing the men in charge of the plane was just a view steps away.

"Hey" Leah sat down beside Abilene, starting a conversation with a warm smile.

Leah knew about the strong distaste of flying Abilene had, so she made sure to keep a close eye on her bestfriend. She let the ginger rest her head on her shoulder, sighing contentedly at the warm buzz of having Abilene so near.

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