Chapter 7: Power of The Mind

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The time was 2:00 pm and Benedicta and Angela were waiting for their mom to come pick them up. A few minutes more, and they could see her red Jeep driving down from the left end of the road.

Sandra parked in front of them and whined down the front passenger window.

"Hi girls. Are y'all okay?"

Benedicta opened her mouth to say something when Angela spoke up instead.

"Benedicta, tell her."

Sandra raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me what? What happened honey?"

Benedicta glared at Angela in frustration.

"There's no problem mom. I--"

"Benedicta." Angela butted in as she opened the back passenger seat
"Tell mom about what has been happening. Or I will."

With that, Sandra turned her gaze to Benedicta who sighed as she stepped into the car.

"Benny honey, is there a problem? What's your sister talking about? What's been happening? " Sandra asked a few seconds after she started driving.

Benedicta sighed yet again, causing Sandra's worry to increase as she feared for the worst. However, Benedicta eventually spoke up. She narrated everything, from how the bullying first started to the incident today. After her narration, everyone went silent.

After about thirty seconds of silence however, Sandra spoke up.

"You mean to tell me that some kid has been bullying you at school all these while? And you didn't even bother to tell me? I thought you always told me everything Benedicta?"

Benedicta  sighed.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that it wasn't that bad for me to report it to you."

Sandra remained silent, a thought entering her head.

"Wait a minute. You said that you used telekinesis to attack them? How's that possible? Your great Gran Gran hasn't even started teaching you psychic magic yet."

Benedicta nodded her head in all certainty.

"I know what I felt. My mana seeped out a little when it happened, I'm sure. Also, I wished for them to just back off and they did... literally."

Sandra frowned to herself, her thoughts going wild.

'Gods have mercy! Don't tell me that Benedicta's going through another Magic Awakening? In that case, it means that her mana pool is still unstable even after all these years. But how? Her mana hasn't acted up on its own since she was a year old. I guess I'll have to ask Amara then.'

Sandra came back to reality before clearing her throat and saying.

"I guess I'm gonna see your school's principal tomorrow. "

Benedicta frowned in surprise and confusion.

"Why? The matter is already taken care of."

"Those kids are scum. I've seen their kind a lot of times in my days and believe me, they'll be back to bully you more. I have to give that principal a piece of my mind and ask to see their parents personally." Sandra completed with a little irritation, not towards Benedicta, but at what she was facing at school.

"Ok mom. If you say so." Benedicta sighed and muttered softly, almost inaudible to Sandra.

They arrived Washington west square and then the street where their house was located after a twenty minutes drive. Sandra took the house keys from her purse and went to the entrance leading into the sitting room. However, she was met with a surprise as when she opened the door, Amara stood up from one of the sitting room couches and spread her arms to give Sandra a hug.

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