007. the truth comes out

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❝ then call for immunity

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❝ then call for immunity. ❞

      EVELYN WOKE UP the next morning with her legs sore

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      EVELYN WOKE UP the next morning with her legs sore. She did pedal her bike a lot last night after all. The first thing she did when she woke up was knock on Dustin's bedroom door. He told her to come in and Evelyn found her cousin laying on his bed with his blanket covering his whole body. She sat down on the edge of his bed, speaking to him gingerly. "Hey, Dustin. How are you feeling?"

      "Like shit." He understandably answered. He did watch one of his best friends' body get pulled out of the water yesterday, so his attitude was justified.

      "Do you wanna skip school today?" She asked him. "If you want, I can skip school too and we can just hang out. I can even try to convince Josh to skip and we can do something together."

      Dustin finally uncovered himself from his blankets and sighed. "No, it's okay. You and Josh should still go to school. But I'll take the offer on skipping."

      Evelyn grinned at the boy as she stood up. "I'll go make breakfast for you and then I'll head to school. Get up from bed whenever you want, just make sure you actually eat and take care of yourself, okay? If anything happens, I want you to call me."

      "Yeah, yeah, I know."

      "Love you, Dustin."
      "Love you too, Ev."

      After Evelyn made Dustin's favorite breakfast, she decided to bring it to his room along with a glass of water.  She got ready for school and said goodbye to her cousin before she left. She truly felt bad for him and his friends. She couldn't believe they had to go through something so traumatic at such a young age. Evelyn also couldn't help but wonder about El. She wondered how she was holding up on Mike's basement since Mike was obviously very upset at her. All Evelyn had to do was get through today and then she could see Dustin and the group. She got into her car and drove herself to school.

      The girl was immediately met by the sight of Joshua jogging up to her when she got out of her car in the school's parking lot. "Hey, Ev. I saw the news. How's Dustin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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