1. Hook's News

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Pic is Jacob

Two and a half years later

Roan's P.O.V

The day that Hook took me in was the day my life changed. Back then I had to scrounge for food, clothes, and shelter. Now I am able to have my own clothes and room, along with being able to eat as much as I want.

I used to be alone, but now I have a family. Sure the crew was looked scary, and mean and it's understandable. Hell, the first time I layed eyes on them I wanted to run straight back to my crummy old box in the alleyway, but Hook made sure I stayed and I'm glad he did.

"Roe, what're you thinkin' 'bout?" A voice called, snapping me out of my mindscape.

I turned around and came face to face with him. He was also one of the reasons as to why I hadn't fled. He was the source of most of my happiness. He is Jacob Jones, son of Killian Jones or as most people know him, Captain Hook.

When I first got here, I was introverted. Sure I was fiery and sarcastic, but I was never the one to start a conversation. Jacob was the first in the crew to strike up a conversation with me and actually get to know me. After that we were inseparable, always near one another and always helping each other out with chores. After a good seven months of just being friends, it escalated to us dating in secret. When we finally came out to the crew all they did was shrug and turn to the others, demanding for their money. As it turned out, most of the crew had already suspected it and they made a bet, even Hook participated. In the end he was happy for us and himself because, well, he had been one of the crew members that won the bet.

Now here we are a few months later, openly together and as happy as can be.

"Babe, you're doin' it again."


"You're spacing out again. What're you thinkin' 'bout babe?" He asked while wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"How I got here, the first time we met, how we got together, stuff like that." I responded, leaning my head back to rest on his shoulder as he slowly swayed us back and forth.

As he was about to reply, Hook came up and waited for our attention, impatiently might I add. After a few minutes of him having to wait he got his sword and hit a piece of metal gaining our attention quickly.

"Now that I have your attention," he started. "I can finally tell you where we're going next."

We all waited patiently for the name of our new destination.

"Men, we're heading to Neverland."

The crew was silent, staring at the Captain as if he was a maniac.

"Father, why in the bloody hell are we going to Neverland? " Jacob asked, spitting the name out in disgust.

"You all know that I've always wanted revenge on that blasted demon Peter Pan, well now that I have Roan I can."

"Why does it matter if you have Roan or not?" A crew member asked. He was about 6"3 barely towering over Jacobs 6"1. He had a tattoos all over his arms and some on his neck.

"Well, because Roan, whether you want to admit it or not, is the cleverest person in this crew, and I believe that he is clever enough to help me take down Peter Pan." Hook explained.

All eyes turned towards me, some in approval, others in envy, but there was only one pair looking at me with an emotion I have always had, hope.

"When do we leave?" I asked. With that Hook grinned and began announcing the date of when we should leave.


It's been a week since Hook has announced that we were heading to Neverland. Most of the crew and I were currently at a market center looking for swords, daggers, and healing products. I was standing on the side, bored out of my mind. Jacob had left me alone in order to go buy more blankets.

"Roan!" Hook shouted. I turned towards him, ready to do anything as long as it rid me of this boredom. "You seem bloody bored to death, why don't you head back to the Jolly Roger and help start dinner. The crew will be hungry when they get back."

"Aye aye, Captain."


I got back to the Jolly Roger and headed down towards the kitchen deciding to make, mashed potatoes and chicken breasts. Most people assume that just because we're pirates it means that we only eat eggs and pickles or carrots, but that's not true. Unless nobody in your crew knows how to cook, that's when you're screwed.

After finishing up in the kitchen I headed towards mine and Jacob's room. I was right outside the door when I heard moaning. At first I thought nothing of it, assuming that he was just jacking off, but then another moan sounded. This one was high pitched and feminine.

I bolted into the room and was greeted with a sight that made my heart break. There, on my bed, was my supposed boyfriend and a bimbo having sex. Jacob looked up at who was interrupting them and was met by a fuming and upset me. His eyes widened as he quickly stopped what he was doing. He grabbed his trousers and started for me, but I just shook my head at him and stormed up to the deck.

On the deck, the rest of the crew had returned. They turned towards me and we're surprised by how I looked, dirty clothes on my slender form, greasy brown hair, and red faced with unshed tears in my grey eyes. They knew something was wrong, since none of them have ever seen me cry.

"Roan what's wrong?" Hook asked as he took in my appearance. His question was answered when a half naked Jacob rushed through the doors and a bimbo wearing only bed sheets followed.

The crews eyes widened as they took in the scene before them.

"What the hell?" Hook asked, astonished.

"I'll tell you what, while we were gone you're fucking son, decided to bring some bimbo onto the ship and fuck her in my bed." I explained while glaring at Jacob.

"Get her off my ship, now!" Hook yelled.

Two of the crew members grabbed her arms and escorted her out.

"Let her keep the sheets!" I shouted to them.

"Roe, babe I a-" he started, but I didn't want to hear it.

"How long?" I asked brokenly.


"How long have you been fucking others? And don't you dare lie to me."
There was a pregnant silence before he finally answered.

"Two months."

"What?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Two months, but I swear they didn't mean anything babe I j-" he started, but I didn't want to hear it. I snapped. All the sadness was immediately replaced by anger.

"Stop! We're done, over, finished. Don't you dare call me Roe or babe or any other stupid nickname, my name is Roan to you, got it." Oh bit out venomously.

"Baby please I'm sorry!" He begged.

"Are you sorry for doing it, or are you sorry you got caught?"

I was met with silence.

"Exactly. Hook can I share a cabin with someone else?"

"No, you're staying in that cabin, but Jacob will now be rooming with me."

"Ok, wake me up early. I wanna know how we're going to get to Neverland." I told him.

I headed towards my room and locked it. The sheets were already changed so I just got into bed and cried myself to sleep.

A/N: Woohoo a new update! Drama in the first chapter already? Yes, and more to come. Thank you once again for giving this story a chance.

Please remember to;


Till next time


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