4. Meeting the visitors

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Peter Pan's P.O.V

It was another regular day in Neverland. The sun was shining, the birds were singing-no wrong place. I wandered around the camp, watching as the boys had fun. Some were practicing their aiming with archery, others engaged in hand to hand combat. My right hand Felix was standing beside me analyzing them as always. Living here in Neverland was easy, too easy and I was getting bored here. There were never any real battles and when there were, it was always easy to get rid of them. I needed a challenge, something that's entertaining. I was broken out of my train of tgought when I felt four new visitors in the clearing of the forest, but something was different, there was more magic in that area surrounding one of my new visitors, I don't know how I didn't sense them before.


"Yes Pan?" He drawled out, his tone showing that he was bored.

"It seems like we have a few new guests." I told him. He turned towards me a glint in his eyes telling me that he was interested.

"How many?"

"Four, but this going to be fun."

"How can you tell?"

"One is involved with magic."

"Dark or light?"

"I'm not sure, which makes this all the more interesting."

"Should I gather a group to 'welcome' them to Neverland?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

I followed the heat sources when I noticed that three of them were out of the clearing and one was still there. I followed the three and smirked at who I found. There standing in the brush was Killian Jones along with another man and a boy around 17 asked.

"Are you sure he's ok back in the clearing." the boy asked. He was muscular standing at six foot one and had dark brown hair with dark blue eyes.

"Jacob, he will be alright." Killian assured.


"No buts, Roan is a smart boy."

"Yes, but he fainted!" Jacob yelled exasperated.

"Jacob he's fine!" He replied irritated. "I know you still love him, but give him time you're suffocating him and he hates it. You broke up, give him space and maybe he'll take you back."

'Love? Pfftt love's not real'

"Ok, father."

'Father? This is going to be fun'

Curious as to who they were talking about I transported to my other guest. I got there, his back towards me, and hid myself behind some trees ready to observe him as I did his companions. I could see why Jacob was with him, he stood short at five feet give inches, with a slender and lean frame with slight curves. He turned towards me and I got a clear view of his face. Plump pink lips, light brown hair sitting messily on top of his head, and piercing grey eyes framed by long eyelashes.

"Are you gonna come out or are you just gonna keep staring at me like a creeper?" His voice was soft and smooth, fitting well with his appearance. My eyes widened and I stepped out from behind the trees. He analyzed me and I smirked.

See anything you like?" I asked amused.

"I've seen better." He replied nonchalantly and I chuckled again.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really, now what do you want?"

"Interesting." I muttered lowly.


"Oh nothing it's just that most people would ask how I got here or who I was."

"I already know."


"Yep, you got here by magic."

"You are as smart as you seem." I complimented. "But do you know who I am?"

"Why of course, you're Peter Pan." He said and I smirked once again.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Uh huh... so you mind telling me why you're here with me and not with Hook?"

"I was, but then I realized that there was something much more interesting here." I replied, suggestiveness in my tone. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah, ok."

"So what are you?" I questioned. He stiffened slightly and looked up at me, his eyes glaring into mine.

"What do you know?"

"I know that you can handle magic, but I'm not so sure which light..." I vanished and reappeared behind him. I leaned down to him and whispered in his ear."...or dark." He shivered slightly and moved forward creating space between us.

"I don't know if I handle light or dark magic." He replied seriously, his cheeks a light pink.

"Not possible." I said but then thought for a while and it suddenly clicked. I stared at him for a while. "It's not possible unless you are a-" I stopped talking when I heard voices coming closer. I appeared right behind him. "See you soon Roan." With that I vanished from sight and appeared back in camp.

Now I know what he is.

A/N: Woohoo update! A view into what Pan was thinking.

What is Roan?

Will Roan get back together with Jacob?

Who knows!? *cough me cough*

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I shall see you next time! Buh bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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