The Boy Who Never Slept

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Once upon a time
There lived a loving family
A king and queen who brought a beautiful prince into the world.

They were so happy about their bundle of joy,
That they wanted to show him to the whole world.

They decided that every year,
They would celebrate with the whole kingdom.

It was always a lovely party,
And the kingdom grew to adore the young prince.

On the boy's fifth birthday,
His family planned the party as usual,
But the prince had a bad feeling about it.

He went to his father and said,
"We don't have to celebrate this year."
But the father simply disagreed.

So the boy went to his mother and said,
"I have a bad feeling about the party."
But she told him that he was just nervous.

The young prince pushed the feeling to the back of his mind,
And that night, everyone at the party was happy,
So the prince was happy he locked out the nervous feeling he had.

As a beautiful young boy walked into the party.
He looked like the sunshine,
And was only a year older than the prince.

As the sunshine boy walked down the stairs,
He slipped on the stairs, and tumbled down.
A large crowd gathered to check on the boy.

Assuring them that he was alright,
The boy looked to see the prince was not.
The sunshine boy screamed and pointed in the prince's direction.

The prince was being held by a dark shadow,
Who had taken the one moment of distraction to its advantage.
A hand was wrapped around the prince's mouth as it whispered in his ear.

The prince desperately tried to escape,
He found that he wasn't strong enough.
And he felt helpless.

A guard tried to tackle the figure,
But it simply disappeared.
Leaving behind the startled prince.

The king and queen quickly ended the party,
The queen carried her crying son to his room.
Laying him down she asked him what the figure told him.

"It cursed me", he said,
"Helplessness creates fear, it said,
And fear keeps you up at night."

The family seemed a confused at the twisted words,
But that night they had found the true meaning to them.
The prince couldn't sleep.

When he closed his eyes to sleep,
He felt scared, like he was being watched.
And so as years passed, the prince never slept.

He spent his days as normal,
But at night he would train and practice,
He refused to be helpless again.

When his parents invited someone to meet the prince
He instantly recognized the sunshine boy from that night.
Still having the same glow to him.

The sunshine boy slept over in the castle,
But when he noticed to prince not sleeping he asked why
The prince explained that he hasn't slept in years.

The sunshine boy told the prince that he had trouble sleeping during storms,
And said that his father would hold him through the night
Until he was able to sleep.

The prince smiled at the thought,
And the sunshine asked if he wanted to lay next to him,
Patting the spot on the bed beside him.

The prince layed down,
And the sunshine boy wrapped his arms around him; the prince froze at first,
But when he felt small circles being traced on his arms he relaxed.

The sunshine boy began to hum a lullaby,
And the prince felt so safe and secure in his arms
That his eyes began to close.

The sunshine boy heard soft snores
And smiled at the prince's sleeping face.
Finally he was at peace.

The king and queen awoke to the shadow figure in their room,
"Darkness cannot stay when the light floods it out",
And it vanished once more.

The king and queen rushed to their son's room
And found him sleeping peacefully
In the arms of the sunshine boy.


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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