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This chapter might be a bit long, but not like 2,000 words long, like maybe 100 more words than usual, not much.

Jeans P.O.V.

Why am i fucking here, why did i force Marco to fucking go. Enh he is smiling like a cute fucking dunce why ca-
"So Marco, I'm glad you could join us" Morgan said. Marco smiled and replied "Thank you for allowing me to come with Jean". We were sitting at a huge fucking ass table though it was only four of us. Which made no fucking sense. Well there were only six open seats, me and Marco were sitting next to each other, but across from the adults. The small talk continued for about 5 minuets until the food came out.
"Oh Jean you should know some of our family will be here two days from now, in the morning, so if you would like to great them, be up early" My dad said looking like he wanted me to do what he was suggesting. It was only 6:00 and usually right now i would be eating a p. b. and j. sandwich while watching some random show, not eating lobster feeling really uncomfortable with my dad and Marco on my side.
"So Jean are you thinking about where you want to go to college?" My dad asked. I shrugged and slurped the soup on the side of my plate.
"Don't shrug at me" He reminisced. A shiver ran down my spine at his cold tone. "I don't know somewhere local" I replied shakily.
"What about you Marco?" Morgan asked.
"Somewhere local too" He replied putting one of his hands into his lap. She nodded and continued eating in silence. Why do they always judge me like that. Its like I'm not doing good enough. I reached over to grab Marcos hand for comfort. I don't know what it is about Marco, but i just feel safe with him, like no one can make me fell any emotion i don't want to feel. And when i cant hold him, or talk to him, his soft hand makes me feel like i don't have care in the world. He rubbed soothing circled with his thumb into my hand, and it made me feel a lot better.

'Its so dark, i hate this. I feel so alone right now... Wait Marco is just down the fricken hall what am i doing'  I thought getting up. I adjusted my white button up shirt, and pulled down my shorts. Then i tried to quietly run down the hall to his room. Okay just two more doors...  I slipped on the smoothie mood floors and fell on my ass. "Fuck" I tried to say quietly, yet it came out as a loud yelp. I was on the floor, fucking dumb ass socks, why am i wearing them.
"Jean? Are you okay" Marco asked as he jumped to the door from hearing the loud thump from me falling. Marco was standing at the door in his underwear... only underwear. Well if you count glasses as a clothing item, them too. He helped me up and into his room.
"I... Uh well" I stuttered, just say it dammit.
"Can, I... Only if you want, can i stay here the night?" I finally managed.
"Yea, yea, i was starting to get scared, it's so dark!" He said. I felt relieved i wasn't the only one. We both crawled into his twin bed. As Marco reached over to put his glasses down, he also switched off the lamp. I think were goi- yep yep. Fuck my face is hot, why do you do this Marco. Marco had reached around me and was spooning me from behind and shit did he make me blush. I could feel his... against me.. Fuck don't think about it. Just sleep... Just sleep.

A loud noise startled me awake. I sat up and tried to shake the blurriness out of my eyes. It was light outside so it could be the cleaning lady or something. "Wha..." I whined seeing some thing crawling around on the floor. In a minuet of starring i finally noticed it was a gray cat... They don't have a cat... Do they? What did he knock over? Wait the door is open. 'Ah fuck it I'm going back to sleep' i thought laying back down.
"Wait a second... Where the hell is Marco?" I said turning around to find him not there. I walked to my room and threw some pants. I heard a faint sound... Piano? Does this house have one? I followed the sound until a room came into picture. Its wonderful, like nothing I've ever heard. I stepped into the room and i saw my brunet sitting on the chair, he had his eyes closed, and he was just going along with the music. He looked so peaceful. Then it stopped.
"Crap. Jean when did you get here" He asked looking at me.
"Few minuets ago, that sounds wonderful" I replied walking over to the piano.
"What song was that?" I wondered. "I don't know yet" He replied. Wait, yet? did he write that? Shit hes really talented.
"Holly fuck, what can't you do" I stated laughing at his blush.

"Can you help me" Marco asked. I looked over to his fishing line and it was tangled around itself and the hook. I laughed at his helplessness
"Weakness found" I stated "fishing" I finished. We both laughed and continued fishing. About 30 minuets into our fishing trip, nothing was caught i was about to give up when something tugged on my line and i pulled back. Like a game of tug of war, me and what ever was in the water pulled until I forced it on my boat. It was about the size of my hand. And so i picked it up and shoved it in Marco's face startling him.
"Look i got a fish" I yelled. He just laughed and yelled at me for getting his glasses dirty.
"OHHH i have an idea" I said startling him again.
"Yea?" He replied not so enthusiastically.
"LET'S SWIM!" I yelled.
"We don't have out bathing suites" He strictly said.
"No No you gotta think outside the box, you think I would swim even if we had our bathing suites if people were here? No one is near us..." I said my voice trailing off. Marco's face got red.
"Skinny dipping?" He asked. I echoed him and started to strip.
"Wait Je-" I interrupted him with my splash from jumping in.
"Ugg fine" Marco said stripping to jump in.
"Holly fuck its fucking cold" Marco screamed.
"Wow I've never heard you say fuck twice in a sentience" I said cockily as Marco slid out of the water and back on the boat.
"Jean get out of there, please, you're going to get sick." Marco said putting his hand down to help me up.
"Only because you asked politely" I said.
I put on my clothes quickly and we rode back to shore to take showers.

It was night time again, and we were laying in Marco's  bed again, although, this time i was the big spoon. Fuck i wish he would put more clothes on. Marco was already sleeping, but i couldn't. I've never actually spooned him. His ass is so fucking firm, it felt so nice though. But its not like i can do anything, he's my friend and I'm fucking straight what am i even doing... I'm straight right? Oh my fucking god why does it even matter he has a nice ass, and all I'm saying is if he was a chick I'd fuck him. But he's not so i have to stop thinking like that.

"Jean?" Some spoke softly. It was a feminine voice and it shook me awake. I sat up a bit... "Yea?" I asked still sleepy. My eyes finally focused and i noticed it was my cousin Luci. "When the fuck did you get here?" I questioned. Oh yea my dad said they would be here.
"Out in the hall" she whispered quietly referring to sleeping beauty next to me. She walked out of the room and i slid out of bed to follow.
"Who's that?" she questioned right after i shut the door. Oh she means Marco.
"I thought we decided that if either of us were in a relationship we wou-" she said before i hushed her.
"Okay wait, number one, you're not phased that its a man I'm sharing a bed with, and number two did you even ask me? That could be a friend for all you know" I said sighing at her ignorance. She laughed and replied "Okay, but you like him, I mean you did have your arm around him and crap" I blushed at the statement. Did i like him? I'm fucking straight, the last gay member of my family was my aunt, and she got completely cut off from my family.

"Look you can't tell anyone... Aunt Savanna was cut off from our family because she was gay, and i don't want that, plus I don't even know what I feel to be honest". She smiled and nodded the winked at me "Okay... Enjoy whatcha go for now." God i fucking hate her, when ever i look into her green eyes, i feel like i have to tell her the truth, even if i don't realize it is the truth. Shes like Inga from 'Un-Go'.

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