Valentines day

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Marco's P.O.V.

Going over to Jean's house kind of scared me. I knew what I was going to give him for Valentine's Day, but I was scared.
The car ride to his house was a long one, but I don't really know what I expect at his place.
*knock knock* I softly knocked at his door, and in about 5 seconds, Jean was there opening it. I really don't know what I expected. The lights in his apartment were off, and I think some candles were lit go brighten up the place.
"Happy Valentine's Day babe" he said pulling me in for a hug. I then noticed some pillows piled up on his couch.
"Yea happy Valentine's Day" I replied hugging him back. I looked around his room over his shoulder. Wow he really cleaned up in here.
"So I was planning to watch some movies, and I got you this" He said handing me a little box from inside his pocket. I opened it and saw a little band that was sticking out of some plush stuff. Wait is this a ring? "It's a promise ring, I know it's stupid b-" Jean started to rant but I just kissed him.
"Jean this is perfect, Imma wear it now" I said putting in on. It was like a copper color, it looked cool.
"So... Um my gift to you... Is" my face felt hot, and I think I was blushing really hard.
"I- well... I want to give you me for Valentine's Day. You can do what ever you want" I said blushing really hard. Jean smiled a devious smile.
"Anything?" He asked. I nodded nervously, and his smile grew knowing exactly what he was going to do.
Next day

Fuck my back hurt like hell, but it was so fucking worth it, it felt amazing at the time. Jean was snuggled up to my back fast asleep, and i felt so happy because he was so cute, and he was mine. I turned around to face him, and I nudged my head into his chest to fall asleep.

The sound of Jeans TV rang through my ears. Cheers and clapping awoke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes, and I realized I still had my glasses on. Jean was laying down in front of me with a large grin on his face. I looked at him skeptically.
"Morning babe, whats a better way to celebrate Washingtonians birthday or so siri says then for a walk in the park!" Jean said sitting up in the bed.
"Number 1... i don't think i can even stand" I said, Jean smiled and kissed me, a quick kiss.
"I was that good?" He laughed.
"And two, why are you so happy?" I asked surprised at his attitude this early in the morning.
"Well can you at least walk to the bathroom?" Jean asked. I nodded. My first time hurt, but it wasn't that bad. We opened the bathroom door, and i saw the cutest thing... A fucking puppy. It was small and black. And it was sleeping in the bathtub. There was a little bowl with some sandwich meat in it, and i thought that was so cute.
"Wait woah woah, where did you get it?" I asked still kind of surprised.
"It was just sitting out side, and i felt so bad, he must have got abandoned" Jean said still looking at the sleeping dog.
"Got it, and your apartment allows animals?" I asked, he nodded his head yea.
"And he doesn't have ticks? Worms? Or like any parasite?" I asked.
"Aw baby don't be a party pooper" Jean said grabbing me in his arms.
"He was alone and scared, and i wanted to give him a home" Jean said trying to sound cute. Aw that reminds me of Jean when i first met him, alone, scared. I gave him a disappointing look.
"I'll get him checked this next weekend" Jean said finally knowing whats right. Aw that's great, Jean now has a cuddle buddy when I'm not with him.

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