Club (tied up)

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WARNING ⚠️ smut, being tied up, slight teasing, praising kink

Harry's pov:
Ginny, Ron, Luna, me, and Hermione all decided to go to a club. Ginny and Luna got together after the war when I found out I was gay and she found out she was lesbian. We broke up but are in great terms, she's one of my closest friends and she decided I needed to get out so she invited me to the club, ofc Ron and Hermione are a couple to so I felt a little left out but my plan is to drink my sorrows away.

I was sitting at the bar well every one else was scattered around, dancing, drinking, and making out in the corners. I was only on my second drink when I saw a young strapping man walk up to me, he had brown hair a white tucked in shirt with black leather pants. He came up and ordered a beer and turned to look at me.
"Hey, how are you tonight love? You seem lonely I was wondering if you wanted some company"
He was stern a stood tall, much taller and broader then harry.
"I- I'm sure"
Harry stammered out
"My names Justin, and you are?"
Asked the man
"Hm, harry, nice to meet you"
The two talked for awhile and had some drinks but before it got out of hand harry new he needed to shut him down.
"Listen your a very attractive guy and you seem like a good fuck, but im sorry Im not really into that right now"
Harry told Justin
"What you think im not good enough?!? Is that it!"
Justin yelled out as harry started walking away
Harry was in the middle of the club when Justin grabbed his hand
"Come on let's go have some fun, I don't bite"
Justin said
"I said NO! Now leave me alone!"
Harry yelled. Justin grabbed his arm tight enough to bruise and pulled him close
"Leave me alone! NO!"
Harry protested
"Come on baby just let me fuck you. It's just one night what's so bad about that?"
Justin said
Harry screamed
"Come on baby-"
"HEY leave him the fuck alone he said no dipshit!!!"
A voice yelled behind them
The man stepped up and revealed himself. He was a tall man in a black suit and white hair. Harry recognised him immediately
It was Draco fucking Malfoy
"I-I'm sorry I'll leave rn!"
Justin stammered out as he RAN out of the club
Harry was shocked and turned around to thank him
"Draco?!? Wow you- wow"
Harry said as he was struck by Draco
"Heh yeah, nice to see you to pottah"
Draco said
"Uh yeah n- nice to see you to. Um thank you for... that"
Harry responded
"Yeah ofc, don't worry about it"
Draco said
"How- why was he so scared of you?-"
Harry asked confused
"Well I'm here every other night, and I kinda made a reputation for myself pottah"
"I can see that... we'll how can I thank you?"
Harry asked
"Let me buy you a drink? We can catch up"
Draco asked, Harry waited for a moment, just taking in the brood standing before him
"Y-yeah that'd be nice"
Harry spoke
The two walked over back to the bar and took a seat. Draco pulled out his wallet and told Harry to order. After they had their drinks they were a little buzzed just enough to be able to drive but still have fun
"Hey? Harry?"
Draco asked
"You wanna get out of here? We can go back to my place"
Draco stated
"Um- I- yeah I would like that"
"Great! I'll pull the car around!"
Draco stated
Harry called Ron and Hermione to tell them he was going home and they said okay and to send them his location to make sure he was safe
Harry waited outside for a minute and then saw a mat black corvette pull up next to him with Draco inside. Draco got out and opened the door for Harry to get in.

Harry stepped in the car and was terrified. He shifted uncomfortably in the seat as Draco started the car. A few moments after they started driving Harry felt a hand on his thigh, he looked up to see Draco staring straight ahead and pretending nothing is happening, harry took a deep breath and put his head back int the seat as Draco started moving his hand further up Harry's leg and rubbing his thumb next to Harry's groin, harry let out a shuddering breath and Draco grazed the tip then brought his hand back down, he kept doing that until they arrived at Draco's house. Harry was already hard and Draco had a smirk on his face, when the entered the house there was a rustic looking kitchen and a couple rooms.
"Would you like anything to drink?"
Draco asked
"Um, water?"
Harry replied
"Coming right up"
Harry sat down on the couch his leg twitching. Draco came back with a glass of water and sat next to Harry. Harry took the glass, muttered a 'thank you' and started twitching his leg again

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