Back From the Skies.

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Link and Sidon playfully fell from the sky and back into the grand Reservoir where Vah Ruta used to stand. They both dove in, and came back up for air, Link much more quick to the surface than Sidon. He tread water for a moment while Sidon swam a few energetic circles around him, they burst from beneath the water. He smiled at Link, and Link raised the corner of his mouth a little in response.

They had just defeated to Mucktorok that plagued the Zora's Domain, and Sidon was feeling proud of himself. He chuckled at Link's stoic face. Link started to turn for the shore, but Sidon stopped him.

"Hey wait. Can we stay out here for a second? I wanna watch the sun go down, like a real hero would. And I gotta calm down before I talk to my dad or else he'll say something about humility and whatnot."

Link nodded. "Awesome! Can you grab that wood palette from here for us to sit on?"

Link reached out his right arm and it started to glow red. Sidon didn't much understand it, but he thought it was "way cool" none the less.

The atmosphere seemed to change and warp around Links hand. The was a red aura around it that stretched forwards towards the palette until it too was engulfed in the same red glow. It shook at snapped to face Link and Sidon, like a soldier stands when his commander walks in.

The palette swam closer to them, then Link jerked his hand and the aura around it burst back into the rest of the air and was gon in an instant. The hand slowly lost it's hue, returning to it's neutral, earthy green.

Link climbed onto their makeshift raft. Sidon gracefully leaped out from the water then landed clumsily, nearly capsizing the driftwood. Sidon chuckled a bit as he sat down and Link joined him. They sat in silence for a second, then Sidon turned with a question.

"Does it ever get old, being a hero, going places and fixing problems, vanquishing evil and all that."

Link looked up at Sidon for a second. His brow furrowed, then he looked back out onto the horizon. "Dunno"

Sidon looked back out too. "Cause this is only the second time in my life I've done anything meaningful, but you seem like you do stuff like that everyday."

Link nodded, and the sun disappeared behind the mountain.

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