Chapter 9

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Within the first month of Cordelia and Eros being newly weds Cordelia was already pregnant, how the child will out was a type of mystery. They didn't know if the child would look less human or more like a goetia, Cordelia's pregnancy lasted for three months unlike Rosalie. However Cordelia's pregnancy was......horrible compared to her mothers, she had DEEP demon like hungers mainly for meat. It was so bad that she had live caudal a few times while she was in France in the country side, a lot of sheep also thus her beginning of the legend of the harpy women in 1934 both in France and Scotland. The animal eating only lasted for a month because she gave birth to her egg which was eight pounds for the process of the egg hatching the eggs color was different, the egg was a beautiful light sky blue like a cardinal egg.

On August 24 1934 Cordelia's and Eros's daughter was hatched out of her egg, what really shocked the family that her eyes where two different colors one eye green just like Rosalie's father's and the other the same shade of blue in Rosalie's eyes and her blood red with the feathers with the tips being the same light blue as Asmodeus if she was goetia. The blood red was one thing but have Rosalie's eye color was another since no Goetia or demon besides Cordelia had those eyes, how she would look when she got older was a little bit of a concern and worry if she started looking a lot like her human grandmother who was still feared and hated by demons. 

Eros's had made a cover story with the rest of the grand duke family about his daughter that he named Harmonia, Cordelia was to be kept secrete from the rest of the Goetia family besides the family of the Grand Duke since she still on her second identity of being a sinner. But because she had the title of an overlord Eros's father Grand Duke Aakanksha allowed it and since Eros was the first to give him an heir instead of his older brother of three years, because he was able to produce and heir first as much as Eros didn't like it he was given a much more higher status than his brother Duke Bhojadeva.

Harmonia was the first member of the grand duke family whose name didn't mean desire or lust instead her name meant ' Unity' also it was only Eros's father that knew that Cordelia wasn't a sinner but instead a half human/goetia but didn't reveal the identity for Cordelia's mother claiming that he didn't know who she was.

As for Rosalie she still did her best with helping humanity and when ww2 started in 1939 she knew she needed to help the nation the she called home along with making certain that the Belmont home wouldn't be in any danger, she had very loyal humans on her side that gave her information about the person that started the war. Hitler was the person that started the Nazi's and putting Jewish people in concentration camps which she knew she needed to free those people and their children from Europe, another thing that she was aware of where certain demons that loved war and feeling off it and feeding off fear she had killed dozens of different ranking of demons in protecting what she could. Lucrecio did what he could to help, the same with Cordelia and even Eros since he was now a part of Rosalie's family and a in law of the Belmont family, in secrete Rosalie had supplied the united states military with her solider pills and plasma pills. Not only those pills but also pills that she created for healing broken bones and help with pain almost instantly, she didn't give them to just soldiers she also gave those pills to villages and towns where where invaded by Nazi's and the children that she rescued she had brought them to Rosemont and told the current head mistress the situation and took those children in the school. It wasn't just the school she also requested the families that she was allied with in taking in the children temporary until the war was over, those families agreed with her request, as much as Rosalie didn't like killing humans she had no choice and those Nazi's where already going to hell so to convince herself she told herself that she was just speeding up the process.

For five years to 1945 Rosalie had killed over a hundred Nazi's and freed thousands of people that she could, many camps and the prisoners dealt with a lot of mental pain and Rosalie was aware of it especially with the women and children. Rosalie knew there was only one real way in ended the war with Germany and that was killing Hitler eve after WW2 ended she needed to kill the man that started it all and she knew it needed to be done by her hands alone, before she carried out her plan she inform Helen about a Hitler soon to be in hell and request him to really suffer and her friend and those that where with Helen where more than happy in fulfilling that request for Rosalie.

  It took two years in 1947 to find Hitler and his location before caring out her mission she had worn her demon hunters clothing, for making things a little stealthy for her she chopped off her hair to her shoulders. Before she left Lucrecio had wished her luck and kissed her goodbye and for luck, another good luck kiss she gave was on the forehead of her new grandson of three years old named Eadwardsone who had Cordelia's eyes. Rosalie also kissed and hugged her granddaughter who was fourteen years old and the spitting image of Rosalie when she was younger if goetia form despite Rosalie looking like she was still sixteen years old, Harmonia admired her grandmother so much that she wore the colors of her demon hunters robes and bared half of the Belmont crest but on the opposite side from Cordelia.

With the resources Rosalie had she knew where to find Hitler and where to strike, she went to Berlin Germany using a portal she learned how to do from Lucrecio and the location her destination was führerbunker from her sources said that Hitler was hiding. She decided to make her attack at night however something she wasn't expecting was facing a demon on her way to the bunker.

"Well...isn't this a nice surprise." Rosalie said that to the demon figure that was right in front of her and the demon having her back to her which was surprised hearing her voice, when the demon turned around she saw that it was large demon hound. And from the looks of the hound it looked like he was on a mission himself, of course he was shocked seeing Rosalie in person as she drew out her morning star with a serious look on her face.

"R-Rosalie Belmont?" Was what the demon hound said as he started backing away from her and she said to the demon

"This human is MINE to kill, the only smart thing you can do is not getting in my fucking way."

Rosalie didn't want to risk more demons after her target so she just killed the hellhound, he did put up a fight but he wasn't a match for her. Another thing she had to deal with where the nazi guards that where protecting Hitler though she still didn't mind killing those humans if it meant getting to her target, she could have used a portal but she didn't want that. Those people that where Nazi even if they where forced needed to face their actions, so yay the bunker had turned into a blood bath. Using stealth and magic to gain the upper hand and hiding her identity, she saved the best for last. When she found Hitler he begged for his life and she didn't listen to him, before she killed him she tortured him so that he knew the pain and fear that he had inflected on thousands of people.  

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