Chapter 44

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After Alexander had explain the history that wasn't written in the Belmont family Rosalie felt more complete and was fascinated to know the real history of her family, Cordelia herself was in aw of hearing Alexander words especially hearing how he fell in love with a non human just like her mother fell in love with a demon prince. Alexander did what he promised Rosalie in showing her how to open the infinite corridor, the stone was disguised on the invisibility cloak that was used as a brooch in holding the hoodie part in place. He revealed the secrete only to Rosalie when the two had transported to the Belmont home in France, upon him showing her how to use the stone she was in aw of it's unusual power and more so when the two had went threw the infinite corridor Rosalie couldn't believe what she was seeing into the door so many portals to other worlds and timelines. The two did hid under the invisibility cloak in not wanting to run into Death that was still searching for Alexander Belmont, also the two where still weak from that battle in hell. Even after returning to the human world they still couldn't let there guard down, after exiting the infinite corridor Alexander had shown Rosalie the secrete shrine to his first wife in wanting to pay her respects. Seeing what she looked like she understood why Alexander looked the way he did and that was honoring his first wife and child, rather than looking more demonic. Rosalie even asked what happened to his second wife Fea after she died, to her surprise he told her that he didn't know what happened to her since he died before her. And he didn't see her when he came to hell along side the Belmonts that where down in hell, meaning there was a chance that Fea Belmont was still in hell far away from the other sinners.

The two didn't stay in the Belmont home long they did return to Rosalie's home in New Orleans so that Alexander can get to know his family more and wanting to talk to Lucriceo, was Lucriceo nervous in having a heart to heart with the first head of the Belmont family? Yes, you bet he was. Alexander wanted to know more about Lucriceo background than just hearing that he was self disowned demon prince, he wanted to know the real him that Rosalie fell in love with. Lucriceo was open with Alexander and told him about his childhood and how he was different from the other Goetia Family more so in how he wanted to change old traditions, he even told Alexander how he was about to plot a rebellion in destroying the Goetia family if he hadn't met Rosalie and fell in love with her. The more Lucriceo spoke the more Alexander understood why one of his children choose a demon like Lucriceo, he saw that he was indeed the perfect and only match for Rosalie and the perfect fit for his family. It wasn't just Lucriceo it was also with the people that married into the Belmont family including Adrianna who Rosalie adopted as her daughter after he spoke with her as well in wanting to know her better, to Alexander it felt great talking to and recontact with members of his own family again after being locked up for so long and happy in getting another chance.

During there recovering Rosalie even gave Alexander a tour of her Academy before the students held a celebrating for her sides victory, the celebration had lasted for a few days where as the University celebrated for a week straight and partied harder cause they could legally drink. The University was where Alexander Belmont partied hard with the students and he can hear hold his alcohol better than them, what he was happy in seeing was how the taste of booze had improved within a thousand years during his time and was amazed by the different types of varieties there where. He found a new love in vodka while Alexander partied with the collage and staff at the University alongside with the human in laws of Rosalie's family except Adrianna and Cordelia was in her human disguise that was without her wings and her ears where human, Rosalie had celebrated at the Academy since it was the students that wanted to celebrate Rosalie victory in hell and the geotia side of her family that where in human disguises where at the party as well including Adrianna. Though a lot where curious about Harmonia and her human disguise since she looked so much like Rosalie but a little older and a little pregnant

Rosalie knew that her granddaughter couldn't help the way she looked and it was clear as day that she was 100% related to Rosalie Belmont, but luckily there where no demons at the Academy since Octavia was back in hell for the time being because o...

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Rosalie knew that her granddaughter couldn't help the way she looked and it was clear as day that she was 100% related to Rosalie Belmont, but luckily there where no demons at the Academy since Octavia was back in hell for the time being because of family issues.

It was during the middle of the party Twilight had informed Rosalie that someone wanted to talk to her and hearing who it was surprised her, that person was Marquis Bylur that was outside of Rosalie's head office.

"You've got balls coming to MY turf." Rosalie said that coming up to Bylur who nervously saw looked at Rosalie as she was coming up to him

"Especially after you bought my daughter like a fucking pet when she got kiddnapped."

"Umm..about's ah...why I'm here." Bylur said that being nervous and scared of Rosalie and seeing his behavior, she also noticed that he was hiding something behind his back and that raised an eyebrow

"What's that you got behind you? Show it." Being scared he revealed what he was hiding and it was bouquet of blue roses and seeing that she knew why Bylur was here in the human world

"You weren't lying, you really having feelings for Adrianna?" Rosalie had entered her office and Bylur followed her and showed him a chair to sit on in which he did as she sat on her desk chair while putting the bouquet on her desk

"Anyone else know that your here?" Bylur nods her head no and not looking Rosalie in the eyes as he answered her

"No, no one else knows I'm here. I've been meaning to come here earlier but the timing wasn't right." Rosalie raised an eyebrow as she let Bylur speak more, after Rosalie had freed the abducted Rosemont students there where Goetia that truly did miss them even the female students that had children and wanted nothing to do with there half demon children. Bylur was one of the few that had fallen for the humans they had bought, after Adrianna had escaped Bylur tried forgetting about her but he couldn't and realized that he had developed real feelings for her. He even broke off his arranged marriage a month prier because of Adrianna, Rosalie was impressed with his efforts however she knew Adrianna and knew that she still hated the guy.

"She still hates you, it's going to take more than just words. It takes action." Hearing that Bylur looked at Rosalie with hope in his eyes

" I'll do anything...what do I have to do?" Rosalie couldn't help but grin hearing those words

"You should choose your words wisely, especially with someone as powerful as myself. But I can tell that your serious, I'll tell Adrianna about this meeting and how much your willing to change for her and what you've done." Hearing those words Bylur started to look happy but he looked surprised by her next words

" As many in hell know I've being allied with Lucifer's daughter and her cos in redemption, put in a large donation into her hotel and making it public. Saying that you want to see change in the Pride Ring."

"Out of all the things to ask? This is something I wasn't expecting." Bylur said that still in surprise by Rosalie's words and she answered him

"I believe in change as well, believe it or not she isn't the first in giving sinners a second chance. I've kept it in the shadows and my plan worked first, Charlie's hotel does work. I have eyes in heaven and I've been informed that a sinner can indeed be redeemed by HER method." 

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