Chapter 29

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Because of Lucrecio's soul bond to Rosalie he was able to feel Rosalie's feelings both physically and mentally, while he was having a meeting he felt Rosalie's body being unusually heavy which meant to him that she had been drugged that made her very worried. But what made him more worried was when he heard a very familiar music box song Lucrecio's associates noticed his discomfort and asked what was wrong with him, Lucrecio realized that he was the only one that was hearing the music box. Lucrecio immanently canceled the meeting and left in a hurry, he was more worried about Rosalie not just anyone can catch her off guard and he needed to find her without blowing his cover.

As for the reason why Lucrecio heard the music Valentino had noticed the heart shaped music locket that Rosalie had on her person since she was wearing modern clothing instead of her Belmont robes, he opened the locket out of curiosity as soon as he brought Rosalie to his home and in his room while she was still drugged. He knew that locket when he was alive she had the locket on her and kept it close, she didn't let him touch it and got VERY defensive about the music locket. Hearing the music the came out of the locket surprised him, now that he knew how old Rosalie really was he wasn't certain how old the locket was. He had a feeling that it was a gift from Rosalie's unnamed husband he didn't know about until recently, like with the jewelry Rosalie had on her that locket was a little more protected when Valentino tried destroying it.

 When he first noticed the black wedding ring on her figure he was about to take it off her but saw that he couldn't since the ring had a type of barrier around that so no demon could take it, the same with her prized bracelet that had the Belmont crest on it. He wanted to destroy that ring but he couldn't, but what he wanted most was killing 'Rosalie's husband' he wanted to know who he was and what he did it earn Rosalie Belmont's undying love. It was something even he couldn't do when he was alive, what was more to his curiosity was that she was still alive after being shot threw the heart by him before he died and from the fact that she hadn't aged a day since he last saw her, he wasn't going to waste an opportunity as he felt his old feels starting to surface after so many decades.

 When Rosalie started coming too her head was pounding because of the alcohol and had bad hangover that made her want to cover her eyes and then she noticed that she was really couldn't move her body that much after she really struggled in moving her arms out of stubbornness,then then realized that she was looking up at herself from the ceiling seeing that it was a mirror ceiling. What really pissed her off was that someone had touched her upon seeing that her clothing attire changed, from her regular modern clothes to something more revealing lingerie with the color being red. Something about the way the lingerie look made Rosalie had a familiar feeling that she didn't like, she had enough strength to turn her head and saw that she was in a completely different room. What made her more worried was seeing the strange cuffs on her wrists that she now noticed along with the long chair like she was a prisoner, when she tried using her magic she was surprised with how weak she was which was a first for her. But what confused her more was seeing the ring that was above her wedding ring, the diamond on it was hedge that made her uncomfortable. Rosalie then thought of how she got in the situation and really thought back about until she remembered her last glass of whine.

"The glass of whine?" A sense of fear quickly came to Rosalie that made her very worried with using a lot of strength she managed to sit up still looking at the new ring on her finger

" Oh no, not HIM again?" Rosalie tensed up more when she heard the door open and the look of shock was clear on her face when she saw Valentino, he shown that he was pleased seeing her awake as he blew out red smoke from his cigarette. 

"~Up already? That's something I was expecting for another few hours with THOSE drugs in your system? But then again you are stubborn.~" Rosalie tried using her magic when he started approaching her but she saw that she was still too weak, just she was strong enough to use one spell and that was shooting a beam of fire at Valentino it wasn't enough to really hurt him but to was enough force that it knocked off his glasses and a few burn marks on his face. With acting fast Rosalie used her physic connection to Lucrecio in tell him that he had been kidnapped by Valentino and he told her that he would get help as fast as possible, when the link ended Rosalie had became exhausted due to the drugs still in effect of her body.

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